Sweater Quest

Nov 21, 2010 17:50

I knit, from time to time.  I've committed the odd (and I do mean odd) baby hat.  But I'm not a knitter.  I was taught to make mittens, but that was in another century and I've completely forgotten how.  I have a pattern for a tea cosy small enough to fit my favorite pot, and I've made a knitting date with my oldest friend, who is a knitter, to ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

girasole November 21 2010, 23:38:43 UTC
I do not knit, but your review of this is so utterly engaging (and so full of ideas I spend a lot of time thinking about) that I suspect I need to read it. Thank you muchly.


allisonstieger November 22 2010, 01:28:11 UTC
Thank you for the recommendation, Delia. I recently completed a fiendishly complicated cable sweater for my husband, despite two very young children and a full life, so I will seek this out. I look forward to reading it.


sweetennui November 22 2010, 01:38:58 UTC
That sounds really intriguing... and yes, I would expect the same -- entertaining but fluffy (pun intended). I crochet (barely) and I have always been interested in seemly un-feminist crafts (like sewing, canning, etc) and the the strong feminists attached to such things. My mother was a hippy and gardened, canned, and sew BUT did so for survival (to feed and cloth her family) and never taught it to her children. I think I'm not the only one in my generation who reclaimed these crafts later in life (hence the resurgence). I can't wait to read it. --Jessica


swimtech November 22 2010, 19:20:38 UTC
I made an Alice Starmore Tudor sweater: only it's the Catherine Parr. (I think you've seen me in it.) This sounds like a book I'd like--thank you!


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