Naked City

Oct 08, 2010 23:53

Curses                                                              Jim Butcher                         
How the Pooka Came To New York City          Delia Sherman                           
On the Slide                                                     Richard Bowes              
The Duke of Riverside                                     ( Read more... )

shameless self-promotion, books

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Comments 7

msss October 9 2010, 04:32:02 UTC
Yay! I shall add it to my calendar.


mizkit October 9 2010, 08:49:24 UTC
Dammit, Jim ia not supposed to go around changing his title structures! I picked "Fairy Gifts" as his story before I looked at the right-hand list. Hrmph. :)


birdhousefrog October 9 2010, 13:57:43 UTC
Nice position! This antho has been much-delayed. I heard Jeff read his story at Readercon over a year ago.



ellen_datlow October 10 2010, 23:59:24 UTC
Not much. Just once--by which it had never been scheduled till now because were were waiting (to no avail) for a promised BIG NAME WRITER to hand in a story and we waited for a year! Gave up and picked up two other BIG NAMES instead ;-)


lareinenoire October 9 2010, 15:37:22 UTC
Oh, that looks brilliant! I shall add it to my list.


la_marquise_de_ October 10 2010, 20:33:33 UTC
Wow. That looks wonderful.


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