Short report this time, because I spent most of the weekend running a room party and didn't set foot outside my hotel room for 8 hours straight both nights. I'm glad I did it, I've wanted to host a Sailor Moon party for ages, but if I'm going to do it again I need more help and shorter hours. @_@
On to the madness! )
Comments 3
Unsolicited advice: think long and hard before trying to run a room party while you're on staff next year. Especially if you're trying to run the party alone. It doesn't sound like you had a lot of help with the setup and teardown, much less the running of the party itself, and I remember from long experience that trying to do that by oneself is difficult and not much fun. And we weren't even putting up any decorations, just setting up the Room Party Kit and laying out some pop & munchies.
That having been said, it'll be good to see you on staff next year again. Sometimes you need a break from all the sanity-sucking craziness of running the convention.
Yeah, I've gotta have more help if I'm going to do the party again, no matter what. It'll be easier than it would've been when I was in Ops, but there are certain things that just won't work. At minimum I need someone(s) to keep the party going while I do video at the Masquerade because there is no way I'm not doing that. The problem is I don't feel comfortable leaving anyone there alone and I only had one helper this time. On the flip side, I also don't really feel comfortable trying to convince my online friends to come if I'll be too busy to spend time with them. :\
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