Stone Fox - A Ghost Story

Oct 26, 2012 19:24

Well, a little while ago I did two things I've never done before. 1. I wrote a piece of fanfic. 2. I entered my fanfic into a contest on Sounis. And now, I'm very earnestly wishing I hadn't. Because, for one thing, the picture that inspired the fanfic  is now separated from it.

So I figured I would post it here, as well, where it can be with the ( Read more... )

"queen's thief", art sketch illustration sketches illustr, "megan whalen turner"

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Comments 1

Tropical Storm! livejournal October 28 2012, 21:42:21 UTC
User mary_j_59 referenced to your post from Tropical Storm! saying: [...] for a challenge on Sounis, and you can find it here: [...]


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