Eugenides, or How to Lie by Telling the Truth

Sep 07, 2012 17:40

One of my favorite books is Megan Whalen Turner’s The Thief, and one of the reasons I love it is because of that TERRIBLE TWIST! There’s a big surprise at the end, which anybody who is a really careful reader ought to be able to see coming. But it tricked ME, and -- I may flatter myself -- but I think I am a careful reader ( Read more... )

writing, "queen's thief", "the thief", book, essay, eugenides, books, "megan whalen turner"

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Comments 16

pigrescuer September 7 2012, 22:15:46 UTC
You quoted but didn't mention that he used cursed he'd 'overheard in the lower city' - suggesting he wasn't from the lower city himself.

And the first one I always spot (can't remember the exact quote): 'The magus asked his name, 'Gen.' He want interested in the rest.'

Also, later, when he's napping in the grass after lunch: 'I'm the most important person here' Of course, he doesn't know who Sophos is at the time, but he's not just referring to his usefullness!

Love the dissection! :)


deirdrej September 7 2012, 23:43:00 UTC
Thank you!

I didn't make too much of the "lower city" thing in that context, because somebody who actually was from there might talk about it that way when they were somewhere else. I think you're right, but it didn't hit me as hard, somehow.

The passage when he's napping in the grass is beautiful! Totally great!

In my own defense, I missed it because I only managed to write about the 1st chapter and part of the 2nd. There are a few more zingers later in the 2nd chapter, too. The quote you mention, when Gen is napping, comes at the end of the 3rd chapter.

They're just everywhere :-D

thanks again, & I'm glad you liked the dissection.

PS. OK, I'll mention another one in the 2nd chapter. Remember when Gen sees Philonikes? Remember what he says he's doing? Counting the cannons on the kings war ships! LOL It could seem pretty random -- on first reading, I just thought he was full of insatiable curiosity, like Kipling's Elephant's Child ;-D


Elephant's child etv13 September 14 2012, 08:41:24 UTC
Not to nitpick, or anything (okay, to nitpick), but I believe what the Elephant's Child had was "'satiable curtiosity."


Re: Elephant's child deirdrej September 14 2012, 19:54:04 UTC
Nitpicking is good! (Well sometimes, anyway ;-D)

And of course you are right, " 'satiable curiosity" it is!


mander_lee September 7 2012, 23:05:23 UTC
Hello there ( ... )


deirdrej September 7 2012, 23:44:23 UTC
Thank you so much!

And good luck with your English minor. That is awesome. ;-D


heavenlyevil September 8 2012, 04:22:21 UTC
I read this book many times years ago, and did a re-read early this year. I'm embarrassed to admit that even though I'd read it so much before, I'd forgotten what the twist was.

The misdirection in this book is so excellent that it can fool you even when you really should know better.


Thank you! deirdrej September 14 2012, 19:55:39 UTC
I agree, & that definitely makes the book worth rereading -- thanks for reading the essay, and posting!


meltintall3 September 8 2012, 16:11:07 UTC
Some of those I'd noticed, but others (like p4) I hadn't considered, taking them casually as authorial asides through the character instead of considering them as careful characterization.

But there were a lot I hadn't noticed at all.

Much appreciation for your own sleuthing skills as well as for MWT's brilliant writing from me!


checkers65477 September 9 2012, 20:39:48 UTC
Such fun, analyzing all the clues like that! One time, when I had a student book club reading the book, I put sticky notes on every page that had a clue. The book was stuffed full.

How about this one? (p13) "What am I stealing?" That was all I cared about.

Wouldn't you think he'd be more interested in how to get out?

And this, on the same page, "Don't try to be smart." The magus shook his head. "You don't pretend well." I opened my mouth to say something I shouldn't have, but he went on.

Probably something like, "I've been pretending to be a common thief, moron."


Yes! deirdrej September 14 2012, 19:58:10 UTC
You're so right! That "You don't pretend well" comment is hilarious!

Thanks for reading, & I'm glad you enjoyed it.

PS Is your icon from the Japanese ed.? So pretty!


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