The family that slays together...

Oct 07, 2007 16:47

My husband just took all three kids off to the afternoon flag football games. *peers around at empty house* PARTY!!! \o/

Why... I do believe this calls for a Top Ten list:

Top Ten Reasons Why I’m Glad I Wasn’t Spoiled for the Season Premiere… )

spn, top nine plus 1

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Comments 23

jaimsie October 7 2007, 21:11:06 UTC
Five wins at life, just a little.


deirdre_c October 7 2007, 21:53:08 UTC
You know I adored the episode. *pets its wee head* But I figure a little snark never hurt anyone! :D


jaimsie October 7 2007, 22:07:55 UTC
But I figure a little snark never hurt anyone!

Or hair products, or so I have heard. I read somewhere you had an attachment to a particular picture, and what better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon than with an open psp? Think you would be able to get any use out of this?

... )


deirdre_c October 8 2007, 11:00:17 UTC
Hooray, hon! The icon is wonderful! (mmm. hair.) You are too, too good to me! *hugs*


jebbypal October 7 2007, 21:18:39 UTC
*cracks up at screen cap*

you can see his nipple under his hand.

*yes, i'm 5*


deirdre_c October 7 2007, 21:57:57 UTC
Heh. They were quite conspicuous in IMToD too. What is it about Season Openers that gets Jensen so excited?? ;D


jamesinboots October 7 2007, 22:15:11 UTC
Hee! I'm totally spoiled, but I loved reading this.

This way, I was able to find out everything about that new character in context… no, not the wife. You know, the blonde? There in the last three or four minutes? No, no, not the bathtub chick. The one with that knife thing-a-ma-jig? Yeah, her… now I know exactly why Kripke wanted to introduce her.

YAY! I love that unspoiled people have had positive reactions to her. I've been supportive all the way through, so, yeah. :D

My gosh, all those plot twists. Dean drove the car! And held a gun! And teased Sam! Who’d’ve guessed?

Mmmm, guns. Didn't Sam and Dean look positively delicious stalking through that Sloth house? All teamwork and with the GUNS. *happy sigh*

Got to spend every commercial break speeding back to rewatch Dean’s dorktastic “I’ma gettin’ sexed-up” dance.

*whispers* I totally did that too. *g*

(Actually, it’s mostly due to sloth, but Pride had a much cooler speaking role.)

God, I loved Pride. He was creepy, man. And awesome.

Is it Thursday yet?*counts on fingers* ( ... )


deirdre_c October 8 2007, 11:05:26 UTC
Oh, sweetheart!! Here I am being all snarky and you turn it into something joyful and fun!!! Your squee is like hot chocolate! Makes me warm and happy inside. :) *snugs*


jamesinboots October 8 2007, 19:08:16 UTC
*blushes* I was so peppy yesterday. :P

Snark makes me happy! My squee OVERFLOWS, hon.

*snuggles you*


ant3ka October 7 2007, 22:44:22 UTC
8. Two words: shirtless Bobby. What? He was just hatless? Damn, I was sure he was practically naked.

He looked naked without the hat. It was SUPERNATURAL. Dean and Sam should investigate.


deirdre_c October 8 2007, 11:07:20 UTC
*ears perk up* So taking off articles of clothing is cause for a visit from the Winchesters? Hmmmm.



dreamlittleyo October 8 2007, 02:35:23 UTC
Hee, just got done watching it myself.

8. Two words: shirtless Bobby. What? He was just hatless? Damn, I was sure he was practically naked.
Dude, I didn't even realize it was Bobby at first! I was like "who's this dude and why are they talking to him?"--camera cut to second angle--"oh sweet Jesus, BOBBY!".

My favorite part about not being spoiled? Getting to scream "Dear lord, Sam is Demon Jesus!" at my computer screen, much to the roomies' consternations.


deirdre_c October 8 2007, 11:09:41 UTC
I didn't recognize Bobby for a few seconds either!! I figured maybe he showered and slept in the hat too. :D:D

Sam = Damien!??!? EEEEK!


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