2011 writing round up and word count, and general fandom activities stuff

Jan 01, 2012 12:44

It's that time of year again, so here's my round up of my writing in 2011.

Ramblings behind the cut )

doctor who, fanfic, ramblings, merlin, primeval

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Comments 32

nietie January 1 2012, 13:41:19 UTC
You may think your word count isn't impressive, but you're very active in the comms. The mansfieldfans comm is awesome!

The book sounds really interesting. *rushes off to sites to see if I can buy/order it here*


deinonychus_1 January 1 2012, 14:40:53 UTC
I am really enjoying doing stuff with mansfieldfans, even if I don't manage to do a picture every week (or it's occasionally a day late!). And now I get to enjoy a weekly dose of both Ben *and* Andrew yumminess!

The book is by Josh Lanyon, if that helps. The friend who found it for me has read quite a lot of his fiction (mostly gay romance/erotica by the sound of it) and she says his fiction is very good as well.


nietie January 1 2012, 15:33:50 UTC
I found the book on bol.com \o/


fredbassett January 1 2012, 13:55:45 UTC
Some of this depends on how you could stuff. I've always gone on words written not words posted, so my total probably incudes at least 40K of unposted fic. So I certainly wouldn't be disappointed in what you've achieved.

That book sounds fab! Who's the author?


deinonychus_1 January 1 2012, 14:45:16 UTC
Given how many wips I've currently got, and fics that I've started but never finished this year, I think the total of words I've *written* is probably more like 70 - 75,000, which isn't anywhere near as bad.

The book is by Josh Lanyon. As I mentioned to Nietie, my friend was telling me last night she has read quite a lot of his gay romance fiction, and speaks quite highly of it, so it might be worth looking for his fiction stuff as well.


telperion_15 January 1 2012, 14:57:57 UTC
I only tend to count words I've posted in my word counts - but as I don't tend to have lots of unfinished WIPs hanging around, that doesn't cause me much of a problem! Although it was the reason I was determined to get the long XMFC fic edited and posted before the end of the year, even though I didn't have a lot of time to edit it when I needed to, because having been working on it since July I was damn well going to make sure it was included in this year's word count! *g*


deinonychus_1 January 1 2012, 15:25:59 UTC
I've only ever counted words posted in my yearly word counts, it's just a bit frustrating that this year there's such a difference between what I've written against what I've managed to get finished and posted.

Oh well, with any luck, the mini bang will get finished this year, and it ought to contribute a fair amount to 2012's word total!

Lol, I know what you mean about wanting to get things finished in time for the end of the year - I seem to remember last year having a last minute rush to post some ficlets before midnight on New Year's Day!


reggietate January 1 2012, 14:17:49 UTC
*hugs* At least you kept writing, that's the main thing, and your total isn't that bad.

I've written a lot more than I've posted, too, but because I've kept it all in a spreadsheet for the whole year, I know it's everything - if I'd only counted what was posted, it'd be a fair bit less. I must see how big the difference is.

The M/M writing book sounds brilliant. You obviously have excellent friends :-D


deinonychus_1 January 1 2012, 14:52:25 UTC
It would be interesting to see the difference between what people have actually written against what they've posted in a year. The main difference for me has been the sodding mini bang (which is really not very 'mini' any more!), and I've spent quite a lot of time working on that this year, but it's just not finished yet.

In past years, my yearly word count has always been based on the total posted, whereas I know I've probably written a great deal more that never got finished, or drabbles that I failed to edit down to 100 words in time for the deadline.

The book looks like a great read, and I think it's highly amusing that they're encouraging my gay porn writing in this way!


reggietate January 1 2012, 15:01:29 UTC
Writing is writing, whether finished and posted or not, I think. Maybe you should put up an edit to show what's written but as yet unfinished. If only to remind yourself that you did a lot more than you think :-)


telperion_15 January 1 2012, 14:54:48 UTC
It's quality, not quantity, you know! *g*

I really loved that DW fic you wrote - it was awesome! And of course I shall continue to wave pom-poms for Mini Bang! ;)

And I really think you need to bring that book to the next Denial meet-up - it sounds most interesting!


deinonychus_1 January 1 2012, 15:19:06 UTC
Unfortunately, I'm not convinced about the *quality* of a lot of it either, lol!

I did enjoy that DW fic, although I'm not sure if there will be any more - it was primarily Rory and River and that episode - A Good Man Goes to War - that made me want to write DW fic.

The book sounds rather fun. I might have found all the most useful best bits by the time we next meet up!


jaynedoll January 1 2012, 15:44:05 UTC
That's still a good word count. I remember that Dr Who fic - I really liked it.
And that book sounds great.


deinonychus_1 January 1 2012, 17:08:07 UTC
Thanks, I did like writing Rory and River just that once.

And the book sounds like it ought to be a fun, and useful, read.


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