fanfic: Home

Dec 15, 2009 07:10

Happy birthday telperion_15 . Hope you have a great day, here's a little fic for you.

Title: Home
Author: Athene
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing/characters: Nick/Stephen
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: Not mine. ITV and Impossible Pictures own them.
Word count: approx 2500
Summary: Home was closer than Nick had thought.
AN: Birthday ( Read more... )

fanfic, stephen hart, slash, nick/stephen, jigsaws, nick cutter

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Comments 50

lukadreaming December 15 2009, 11:02:45 UTC
Ooh, this is adorable! It's a really neat idea and I love the domesticity as well as the fact the lack of medicine is more threatening than the scary critters. And Stephen stripped to the waist chopping wood is a verrry nice image!

*Huggles the lovely fic*


deinonychus_1 December 15 2009, 23:40:17 UTC
hee, I thought people might like that image of Stephen chopping wood *grin*. The boys are surprisingly cute when they're being domestic, although I think perhaps Nick should be domestic *away from the cooking area*!!!!


fredbassett December 15 2009, 12:08:11 UTC
That was adorable! I loved Nick's idea of writing a letter to be delivered to Connor to tell them what had happened. Delightfully timey-wimey.

And cold and wet is always yummy.


deinonychus_1 December 15 2009, 23:42:48 UTC
Stephen in period costume and getting wet; yep, I thought that image would go down well *grin*. And I was quite fond of Nick's letter to Connor idea, although explaining it to the post office might be tricky.


joereaves December 15 2009, 16:39:30 UTC
Lovely. I do love the idea of people being stuck in another time for a long time.


deinonychus_1 December 15 2009, 23:44:29 UTC
People getting stuck in the wrong time is one of my favourite plot ideas (as you may have guessed). I'm really quite surprised there isn't more fic with it in.


telperion_15 December 15 2009, 20:12:20 UTC
*big happy sigh* Oh this is just too wonderful! I love, love, love them making a home for themselves in that setting, and Stephen chopping wood is a lovely image! ;)

But I will admit to being terrified there for a moment when Nick realised no one had come through the door - a simple soaking was actually quite a relief! And the idea of Nick leaving a letter for Connor is brilliant - lovely little timey-wimey touch! I love it, hon, thank you!

And also, a tip re. the jigsaws - if you want to make them even harder, try doing them after a glass of wine. This one took me ages... *g*


deinonychus_1 December 15 2009, 23:47:13 UTC
*hugs* Glad you liked it. I've had that mental image of Stephen chopping wood ever since October when we watched that film at the get-together. It was just a matter of finding a plot idea to go with it.

Hope you've had a lovely birthday, anyway.

I haven't done that jigsaw yet, I'll probably have a go at it tomorrow.


telperion_15 December 19 2009, 22:17:57 UTC
Just re-reading this, and it's so lovely and snuggly! I wish I had a roaring fire to curl up in front of right now (and a Nick and/or Stephen to snuggle with!)

Although I'm also sniggering at Nick's cooking. Poor Nick, he really does get a raw deal from us writers when it comes to his culinary skills! ;)


deinonychus_1 December 19 2009, 22:35:51 UTC
LOL, poor Nick indeed. I have no idea who first decided that Nick couldn't cook, but it just seems to have spread through the fandom and become one of those things that is generally accepted, even though there's absolutely no evidence for it in canon.


unseen_quill December 15 2009, 23:32:19 UTC
Fabulous fic. :D

It's very typically Cutter, hanging on to the thought of their real home and not wanting to get attached to the one they had at the moment. It's understandable the slight resentment one might feel then. It's so sweet when he finally admits that the really important part of home is Stephen.

And I loved your comment on modern medicine. That has always been the actual true threat for situations like these, and it's the one people always forget.

I also really loved Nick's idea of leaving a letter for Connor. Very Back to the Future. :D

This really should be a new sub genre that is thoroughly explored. :P


deinonychus_1 December 15 2009, 23:53:36 UTC
thanks, glad you liked. I do love fics that deal with characters getting stranded in thw wrong time, whether that's prehistoric time or something else, and I wish there was more of it. I suppose it's the kind of thing that needs a lot more research, though, which probably puts people off if they don't have access to decent books or don't have much time to go into lots of detail.

The medicine aspect is something that is important for these scenarios. It would be terrifying for someone used to modern medicine to realise that a simple accident or illness that today's antibiotics would see off in a week, might be fatal in another time or place.


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