Book bingo reviews

Sep 09, 2018 16:34

I have a bingo! Actually, I had a bingo about two weekends ago, but I've only just got round to doing a post. I'm now up to 16 squares filled, and only 9 to go. I'd like a blackout, and I've got a pile of books planned for filling most of the remaining 9, but whether I'll manage it before the end of the year is another matter ( Read more... )

book bingo

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Comments 13

fififolle September 9 2018, 20:22:48 UTC
Aw, shame about the horror book. Seems like a good premise to hang a story, though.

I have mean meaning to watch The Princess Bride for about 20 years *g* Or feels like it. One day, one day...

Well done on your bingo!


deinonychus_1 September 11 2018, 16:55:58 UTC
Well, you win some, you lose some. I actually got three of these small novella type books from that particular stall, and I have slightly better hopes for the othr two, particularly as one was described to me by the stallholder as 'Call of Cthulhu meets Shaun of the Dead'! How could I *not* buy it with a description like that?! Plus, I think I got all three for about twenty quid or something, so it's not a great loss if one was a dud.

You haven't seen The Princess Bride???!!! INCONCEIVABLE!! (a quote which would make more sense if you *had* seen it, admittedly). I feel the need to educate you now! I'll have to bring the dvd next time we have a weekend get-together :-)


fififolle September 11 2018, 18:29:48 UTC
I have paid a couple of quid on eBay and the DVD is coming! It's the favourite film of several friends, so it's about time I saw it, LOL!! Looking forward to understanding the quotes :D


deinonychus_1 September 15 2018, 13:15:27 UTC
Yey! You'll have to let me know what you think of it. :-)


cordeliadelayne September 9 2018, 22:41:06 UTC
Congrats again! Interesting couple of books, shame the horror one lost the plot.


deinonychus_1 September 11 2018, 16:59:11 UTC
Yes, it was rather a shame, as the first two thirds/three quarters of the book were very good. It just trailed off a bit at the end :-(

Of course, the main advantage was it was very short and filled a square so it wasn't a complete loss ;-) And out of all the books I've read this year, that's the only one that I haven't enjoyed or got something out of, so not a bad hit rate overall.


honor_reid September 10 2018, 03:49:01 UTC
I love the Princess Bride. I will have to put that one on my tbr list. I have a hard time with horror books but that one does sound interesting, to bad about the end.

Congrats on the bingo!!


deinonychus_1 September 11 2018, 17:02:20 UTC
Thanks. I love The Princess Bride, and reading the book made me want to go and rewatch the film again right away.

Apparently, even now, thirty years later, the actors are approached by fans quoting the film at them, or asking them to say one of their signature lines (particularly Mandy Patinkin and his, "my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die," line!).


justjo2u September 30 2018, 11:59:37 UTC
Ah, The Princess Bride! That sounsd like a great 'making of' book.

Shame about the Grieving Stones. The title alone makes it sound interesting. We had a catagory last year for 'fooled by a pretty cover'. Sounds like this was one of those!


deinonychus_1 October 7 2018, 16:08:17 UTC
Yes, definitely drawn in by the pretty cover. And to be fair the blurb on the back also sounded good. Just a shame about the ending.

At this year's Edge Lit I bought a book purely because it had trilobites on the front cover (it's supposed to be comedy sci-fi/fantasy, but I was drawn in by the cute trilobites). I hope that one is better!


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