Hurt/comfort bingo round 8

Jun 15, 2017 19:49

hc_bingo round 8 is here! \o ( Read more... )

hurt comfort bingo

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Comments 4

honor_reid June 15 2017, 19:11:09 UTC
I was just on my way over to sign up. I am super excited!

I love several of your prompts like back rubs, counseling, asking for help, forgiveness, so many actually...XD

Fingers crossed I get one just as lovely. Good Luck! :)


deinonychus_1 June 15 2017, 19:13:10 UTC
Yes, I'm looking at several of those prompts and immediately thinking of ideas how I can use them in Atlantis.

Good luck, hope you get a nice card!


girlwhowasnt June 15 2017, 22:47:31 UTC
Hmm, definitely some good ones there. I have an abandoned fic that would complete a bingo all on its own. I'm tempted to grab a card for myself, but I know it would suck and I'd be lucky to complete one square, much less an entire row.

I wonder if your friends forgetting who you are counts as "loss of identity"? If so, have I pitched you the bunny where Jason, Hercules, and Icarus all lose their memory of Pythagoras?

Also, "ritualized pain / injury" screams Atlantis. Well, so does "loss of job / income" but that's just an average day.


deinonychus_1 June 18 2017, 16:11:42 UTC
I already have an idea for loss of identity - it fits with a meta I'd been thinking about for ages, actually, so it'll be nice to get that one out of my head and onto the page. And I saw 'ritualised pain/injury' and immediately started visualising a wallpaper of Jason and Ariadne getting their hands cut in the temple ritual thing.

But no, you've never mentioned that evil idea about everyone forgetting Pythagoras. Write it!!!!! Go on, you know you want to. *evil grin*

I'm surprised you didn't squee about 'rape/non-con' to be honest... ;-)


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