Fanfic: Fail

Aug 21, 2016 20:33

Title: Fail
Author: Athene
Fandom: Atlantis
Pairing/characters: Pythagoras, Shabaka
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Spoilers: 1.3 - A Boy of No Consequence
Disclaimer: Not mine. BBC and Urban Myth Films own them.
Word count: approx 1647
Summary: He had failed. They would all die because of him.
AN: Written for hc_bingo, fills the ‘Attacked by a Creature’ ( Read more... )

fanfic, gen, pythagoras, fandom: atlantis, shabaka, hurt comfort bingo

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Comments 5

fififolle August 22 2016, 07:44:16 UTC
Aw! Nice one.
Hope you enjoyed your week off x


deinonychus_1 August 22 2016, 20:40:58 UTC
This is *not* the fic I was supposed to be finishing last week! But I am now one square closer to a blackout so I'm not complaining :-)

It was a great week off, thanks. I'm intending to do a post at some point. I had a day out in in the Peak District at the Heights of Abraham ( \o/


fififolle August 23 2016, 02:23:52 UTC
Oh my! That looks scary and awesome. Would love to see a post.


honor_reid August 22 2016, 15:39:00 UTC
I loved this missing scene between the two of them. It was very nicely done! Thanks!


deinonychus_1 August 22 2016, 20:43:02 UTC
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! They just *really* hugged each other at the end of the ep, and I kept wondering why, because we never really saw anything between them in the episode itself that would justify it (other than the fact that Pythagoras is a generally huggy person, of course).


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