Atlantis wallpaper: Inhuman

Jul 19, 2016 12:07

Second fill for round 7 of hc_bingo, this one fills the Robots/Androids prompt on my hurt/comfort bingo card.

I have to admit I’ve had the idea for cyborg!Pythagoras for ages; it was originally inspired by girlwhowasnt, and the awesome Ariadne Ascending vid. However, it was only yesterday at the last minute that I had the idea to turn it into an episode 1.8 AU. ( Read more... )

wallpaper, pythagoras, fandom: atlantis, hurt comfort bingo, jason, graphics, gen, hercules

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Comments 8

girlwhowasnt July 19 2016, 18:15:55 UTC
Yikes, they got him right in the glowy part of his face!!

... )


deinonychus_1 July 19 2016, 18:39:48 UTC
Lol! Oops! I have no idea what actually happened to his face to end up looking like that, but whatever it was, it must have been nasty!

Poor Pyth. I am being horrible to him again *evil laugh*


fififolle July 19 2016, 20:54:22 UTC
Oh my! That's spooky and brilliant.


deinonychus_1 July 20 2016, 17:17:11 UTC
Thanks! I'd had the idea fr a while, so when I saw the robots prompt I just knew I was doing this for it.


eriah211 July 19 2016, 20:59:46 UTC
Powerful graphics, great job! \0/


deinonychus_1 July 20 2016, 17:18:22 UTC
Thanks. They turned out better than I expected, although the cyborg manip took ages!


honor_reid July 19 2016, 21:43:59 UTC
Oh wow this is awesome! Poor Pythagoras!


deinonychus_1 July 20 2016, 17:19:28 UTC
Thanks! Poor Pyth indeed, I was being particularly horrible to him in this!


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