Atlantis Wallpaper: Weakness

May 30, 2016 20:33

So, I've been trying to write a fic for the hc_bingo May challenge, but it became obvious today that it was not going to be finished in time, so I opted for a quickie artwork instead. This one fills the 'Hostages' prompt out of the options, and obviously the small fandom is Atlantis.

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wallpaper, pythagoras, fandom: atlantis, hurt comfort bingo, jason, graphics, gen, pasiphae

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Comments 7

fififolle May 31 2016, 20:19:20 UTC
Ooh, she is wicked :D Nice art!


deinonychus_1 May 31 2016, 20:31:32 UTC
Lol, thanks!

Just be glad I ended up posting artwork, and not the fic that I was *supposed* to be doing for this. The fic was horrible. Even by my usual standards, it was horrible... *evil grin*


fififolle May 31 2016, 20:39:08 UTC
You mean it was so deliciously evil and contained so much hurt that it got too long to write within the deadline *g*


deinonychus_1 May 31 2016, 20:53:13 UTC
*looks shifty and starts whistling nonchalantly*


xraywolf May 3 2018, 20:04:55 UTC
Love this wallpaper so hope to see your fic for this as your one of the best atlantis writers i have seen in the fandom.


deinonychus_1 May 4 2018, 14:02:54 UTC
Thank you! I've been having a break from writing recently, mostly due to a nasty bout of writers block, but I would like to write more Atlantis at some point.


xraywolf September 24 2018, 06:46:47 UTC
Really hope you continue with this one though as it looks like ot will be a very unique idea


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