Random graphic of the month

May 03, 2016 19:08

It's random graphic of the month time again! Which basically means that I have produced a couple of wallpapers that are in no way connected to any form of challenge or bingo or gift for anyone.

So, here are two wallpapers featuring Pythagoras and the two people he loves most.

wallpapers behind the cut )

icarus, wallpaper, pythagoras, slash, fandom: atlantis, pythagoras/icarus, graphics, random graphic of the month, gen, hercules

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Comments 5

fififolle May 3 2016, 20:48:14 UTC
Aw, they are both lovely! Thanks for sharing :D


deinonychus_1 May 3 2016, 20:59:31 UTC
I'd been fiddling with the Herc/Py one for ages, on and off, but couldn't make it work until last night. Typical, then, the Pyth/Icarus one only took an hour or two from start to finish!


fififolle May 3 2016, 21:00:52 UTC
Funny how that happens!


yassandra4 May 4 2016, 05:52:54 UTC
Really loving the Pythagoras and Hercules one! :-)
Can I be cheeky and ask what graphics program you use because the wallpapers are always so well made and blended...


deinonychus_1 May 4 2016, 19:23:45 UTC
Thanks! I use GIMP, which is available free for download online. I've been using it for ages and I still don't know what half the features in it do!


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