Hurt/comfort bingo February challenge - Cursed - a Medusa wallpaper

Mar 02, 2016 20:55

So, I was completely uninspired for fic with my hc_bingo postage stamp prompts this year, but did have a rather good (if rather horrible!) idea for a wallpaper using Medusa's story.

So, my prompts were Isolation, Cages, Head Trauma, and wild card Cursed. I may have taken a slightly liberal approach to the interpretation of 'head trauma'...

Cursed - wallpaper behind the cut )

wallpaper, gen, medusa, fandom: atlantis, hurt comfort bingo, graphics

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Comments 2

fififolle March 7 2016, 07:30:55 UTC
Wah! Sad! But I like the box there. Good work!


deinonychus_1 March 14 2016, 19:53:11 UTC
I know! I felt horrible doing it, but I really couldn't think of a fic idea for the prompts, and Medusa's story seemed to fit so well! Poor Medusa.


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