Episode review 2.4 - The Marriage of True Minds

Dec 12, 2014 19:13

Running a little late again, but here's the review post for Atlantis episode 2.4 - The Marriage of True Minds.

Herein lies spoilers. And pictures. Lots of both.

episode 2.4 - The Marriage of True Minds )

random, dion, ramblings, pythagoras, fandom: atlantis, squee, ariadne, jason, tv, hercules

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Comments 7

eriah211 December 12 2014, 23:54:49 UTC
"now that she is queen and that she is making her own decisions and sticking by them and not letting him tell her what to do."

I like the new Queen Ariadne very much. Jason's reactions to the new Ariadne though, are less than impressive. For a modern boy (hey, do we still remember that?) he is rather old fashioned, isn't he?

Pythagoras is definitely underused, I hope he gets a plot (or at least more purpose on the episodes) soon. Please?

Dion!!!! I really, really hope he isn't dead, but it doesn't look good.


deinonychus_1 December 13 2014, 18:20:32 UTC
Ariadne is becoming a lot more interesting this series, which is all good. I really don't know what's going on with Jason this series, though. He's being very annoying.

Well, if rumours are to be believed, Pythagoras should be getting some decent plot in two or three episodes' time. Fingers crossed!

DION!!! It doesn't look good at all. Meep!


honor_reid December 13 2014, 06:15:03 UTC
Oh, boys. Never stop being this adorable.

Exactly! I miss this version of the trio.

Ariadne is really doing a good job as queen especially considering all she has been through.

I really really think Jason needs to fail spectacularly it would be humbling and maybe then he will learn to listen to others.

I am not liking how much of the action is taking place at night far away from any sort of light source. I am having a hard time seeing some of what is going on. But it could just be my old televison.

Also why Dion, he is the best and so yummy.

I noticed in the preview for next week that the dead end up rising. So if Dion is dead maybe he will return and continue to be quietly competent and awesome. Like a Atlantis/In the Flesh fusion. (Hey, maybe aislinarchives could write it. I love her Dion/Critias stories and that could be a fix-it) I really hope if that happens he doesn't turn evil ( ... )


deinonychus_1 December 13 2014, 18:28:16 UTC
I really really think Jason needs to fail spectacularly it would be humbling and maybe then he will learn to listen to others.

Yes. Sadly, he is the hero, and therefore I'm not sure the writes will actually go that far. He does need to start listening to other people a bit more often, though.

I definitely miss the banter and friendship between the boys. I am getting used to the more serious tone, and I do like it, I think changes were needed from series 1, but I wonder if they have gone *too far* in removing so much of the fun.

Based on the interaction between the boys last year, even in desperate and serious circumstances, they used humour and the closeness of their relationships and trust to get them through the bad stuff. They need to keep doing that, instead of being serious all the time.


fififolle December 13 2014, 07:53:41 UTC
They were very cute, but nooooo, Dion! I maintain that we never saw him die as such and some cave person will come along and fix him up. So there. :)


deinonychus_1 December 13 2014, 18:29:46 UTC
I wanted Dion to live!!!!! Waaaaah! I was predicting he was going to die in one of my review posts a week or so ago, but I really wasn't expecting it to be this soon. I though it would be at the end of the series! Waaaaah!


fififolle December 21 2014, 15:29:56 UTC
And now I know why I didn't really believe he was gone *g* My word, we were squealing at the next episode. I guess that's it now though :(


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