New Doctor Who

Aug 23, 2014 21:40

Well, I have to say I rather enjoyed that! Far more than I expected to, truth be told.

new Doctor Who episode spoilers behind the cut )

doctor who, ramblings, tv, squee

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Comments 19

telperion_15 August 24 2014, 15:48:54 UTC
My jury is still out a bit on Capaldi - I didn't dislike him, as such, but I think I need to see what he'll be like in a non-first episode episode, where he can just be the Doctor without the weight it being his first appearance.

The Matt Smith appearance was a surprise to me too! And I might have shed a tear or two as it made realise how much I miss him (although that also made me think it was a little unfair to Peter Capaldi, to overshadow him in that way in his first ep).

And I haven't ever really warmed to Clara either - she'd my least favourite companion so far in NuWho, I think.


deinonychus_1 August 24 2014, 16:00:58 UTC
True, the first episode of a new Doctor does tend to get overshadowed by the hype somewhat.

Awww! I think Matt Smith is possibly my favourite ever Doctor, including the old ones. I wouldn't necessarily say it overshadowed PC, but it did make me think that the show in general seems to be getting a bit too sentimental over the whole regenerating thing these days, what with David Tennant wandering around saying goodbye to all his companions one last time before the popped off, and now MS doing that handover. It all just seems a little unnecessary.

I think Clara might just be doing slightly better than Rose in my least favourite list of companions, but that is largely because I have what I admit may be an irrational dislike of Rose, probably as a counter-reaction to the excessive Rose-love in the fandom in general. I have no idea if that even makes sense...


honor_reid August 24 2014, 18:18:16 UTC
I liked it. It was fairly funny. I do always try to keep an open mind whenever a new Doctor makes an appearance! I do like that he seems very different from Matt Smith's take on the character. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed the 11th Doctor but with each regeneration there needs to be a separation between old and new.

I have never really connected with Clara, I don't dislike her but I wouldn't have been at all upset if she had also left the show. So I am apathetic at best. I think it is because she doesn't seem her own person more like an extension of the Doctor. Probably due to that whole impossible girl storyline.

I know what you mean about Rose. I like canon!Rose well enough but fanon!Rose tends to bother me.

Very excited to see where this season takes us!


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deinonychus_1 August 25 2014, 15:51:30 UTC
It dos feel like they are consciously going out of their way to be very different. Not surprising considering they've gone from the youngest Doctor ever to the oldest!

I really enjoyed the team dynamic of having Amy and Rory (and frequently Rover) for the last few years, it was a real refreshing change from Doctor + young female from 21st century Earth. It's sad that they've reverted right back to type again as soon as Amy and Rory left.


deinonychus_1 August 25 2014, 15:47:33 UTC
I'm looking forward to the new series, and it was definitely a promising start for the new Doctor. Although it has, apparently, made me nostalgic for Matt Smith, so I've just rewatched Eleven's first episode this afternoon.

It would be nice of they could have a companion who isn't from 21st century Earth once in a while. He has all of time and space to play with, so why do his companions *always* have to be from 21st century Earth???? I was actually quite intrigued that maybe Clara would be from Victorian times when the Christmas special before last aired, but then she wasn't.


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