Fanfic: Going For It

May 06, 2014 20:28

Happy Birthday nietie! Hope you had a lovely day ( Read more... )

becker, abby maitland, stephen/becker, slash, primeval, trope bingo, fanfic, james lester, stephen hart

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Comments 18

nietie May 6 2014, 20:25:39 UTC
Yes, I thought he'd never ask! About bloody time, indeed! *g*

Lovely fic. Becker/Stephen are such a pretty pairing. Tall, dark and handsome x 2 *happy sigh*

Thank you!!!


deinonychus_1 May 11 2014, 16:49:58 UTC
Hee, thanks! They will certainly be the prettiest pair at the formal dinner. Hope you had a good birthday.


goldarrow May 6 2014, 20:50:25 UTC
*snorfle* A definite overdose of pretty.
I was giggling through the entire thing, and the last line almost made me choke.
Lester FTW.


deinonychus_1 May 11 2014, 16:50:44 UTC
Hee, thanks! Glad it made you giggle. Lester always steals the best lines.


clea2011 May 6 2014, 21:53:09 UTC
That's an overload of pretty! Abby was totally enjoying herself all through that, wasn't she? Do feel a bit sorry for the disappointed gaggle of girls there though *g*


deinonychus_1 May 11 2014, 16:52:07 UTC
Lol yes, I think Abby was having rather a lot of fun at Becker's expense. I suspect the other ladies of the ARC will be pouting now.


knitekat May 6 2014, 22:08:34 UTC
Love Becker hiding and Abby trying to help.

Those are great last lines and of course Lester knew all along.



deinonychus_1 May 11 2014, 16:53:15 UTC
Thanks! Abby wasn't really 'helping', so much as 'heckling', I think!


bigtitch May 7 2014, 06:23:02 UTC
Aw, that was fun and sweet.
Poor Becker - although Stephen could have helped him out a bit more!
LOL Lester's last line!


deinonychus_1 May 11 2014, 16:54:31 UTC
Thanks! Yes, Stephen could have dropped a few more hints, but then he wouldn't have had as much fun watching Becker squirm!


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