Episode review and reaction post for Atlantis 1.8 - The Furies

Nov 18, 2013 22:36

Okay, so it’s no secret that I’ve been looking forward to that episode ever since we heard there was going to be a Pythagoras-centric episode. Having watched it a few times (actually, four times in three days at this point!), I thought I’d share a few thoughts about the episode and the characters in general. Oh, and there might be a little bit of ( Read more... )

discussion, ramblings, pythagoras, tv, fandom: atlantis, hercules, jason

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Comments 14

Response part 1 halftime1030 November 19 2013, 00:44:15 UTC
To properly respond to this post after reading it, I promptly had to go back and re-watch the episode for the third time *bg*

My first main complaint about this episode is the scene in which Pythagoras goes to visit the Oracle. Why?

I think that Pythagoras is well and truly thrown by his brother showing up. Clearly Arcas does not live in Atlantis so my first question - and probably the reason Pythagoras is concerned - is why? Why did he come to visit? Whatever the “outer” reason given (or not) Pythagoras is suspicious of his brother’s motives. Perhaps that is what led him to seek out the Oracle, but once there he can’t quite bring himself to voice his concerns and turns it into a generic, non-specific “are we going to be safe” question.

And to give us blatant foreshadowing and angsty Pythagoras tears, of course!

It’s unfortunate that we get so little time with most of these extras, especially Nilas the caravan leader, because they are all quite interesting characters. That said, the entire sub-plot with Baucis attempting to steal ( ... )


Re: Response part 1 deinonychus_1 November 19 2013, 19:42:10 UTC
Hee! I have just resisted the urge to rewatch it a fifth time while I was eating. That might start to be overkill, lol!

Perhaps that is what led him to seek out the Oracle, but once there he can’t quite bring himself to voice his concerns and turns it into a generic, non-specific “are we going to be safe” question.

Good point. He does seem to dither and change his mind a few times about what he actually wants to ask, so that tallies well with the idea that he actually went intending to ask something completely different, and then bottled it when the moment came.

I really liked Jason’s (and Hercules') concern for Pythagoras throughout the episode. He catches on to the tension right away and even though he only inquires about it the once, I definitely got the impression that Jason had been quietly watching his friend since Arcus arrived.Yep, Jason particularly seemed to be concerned for Pythagoras almost from the start. He commented to Hercules the morning after that Pythagoras obviously wasn't pleased to see his brother, so he had ( ... )


Re: Response part 1 halftime1030 November 19 2013, 22:06:57 UTC
I think I just felt that bit of plot info-dumping could have been better done by one of the other characters

I totally agree! I think the info/plot dumping is so tricky in an intense episode like this. I really think they would have done better to have this as a two parter - ramp up the tension between the brothers in part 1, cutting the ep maybe just after Arcus invokes the Furies.
Part 2 could be the rest of the ep & journey to Helios, with Arcus' forgiveness coming maybe the next night. And lots of hurt/comfort sex!


Response part 2 halftime1030 November 19 2013, 00:44:42 UTC
I have to admit I would have liked to see more reaction from Jason and Hercules to the revelation, although it was a nice touch that as soon as Nilas was taken by the Furies, Jason immediately grabs Pythagoras and drags him back into the middle of the group to protect him. And perhaps I am viewing it with fangirl goggles in wanting more obvious reaction, because on subsequent rewatches I have come to the conclusion that Mark Addy nails it perfectly. After Pythagoras desperately pleads with Arcas to believe that it was an accident, Hercules says everything you need to know about his relationship with Pythagoras with an expression and three words - “I believe you.” It’s an understated moment, and it’s great to see a more serious side to their friendship, which has so often come across as an affectionate, old-married-couple comedy double act in previous episodes. I completely agree. Hercules is a lot of bluster and comic relief, but when he’s serious and subdued he is quite amazing and genuinely caring - which really explains why ( ... )


Re: Response part 2 deinonychus_1 November 19 2013, 19:51:33 UTC
The Pythagoras/Hercules friendships is one of the comedy bromance triumphs of this series.

I don't much care for episode 5, and all the stuff with Ariadne and her brother, but that ep is worth watching purely for the Pythagoras-Hercules comedy double act with the beetle all the way through it, and Pythagoras being so long-suffering at Hercules's antics.

Mark and Robert play off each other brilliantly in every scene where they're together. I only hope we get some outtakes on the dvd, because I get the feeling they spent a lot of time having a laugh while filming.


stealingpennies November 19 2013, 15:36:41 UTC
Very interesting review - well worth the massive amount of time it probably took. Plus pretty pictures. Rawr!

Just out of interest, I'm sure I read somewhere (but helpfully can't remember where) that this ep was meant to come earlier in the series.

Yeah, the Oracle visit did take away much of the suspense. I actually thought all three main characters did well with what they were given this week but it was great to (finally) see Ems take centre stage. Angst! And there was great relationship stuff on all levels.

But argh! Nilas - it's infuriating that in an ep. dealing with the repercussions of a murder there is no acknowledgement of his undeserved fate and what it might mean to Arcas (and by association Pythagoras) and Nilas' family/friends. Poor redshirt.

But delicious angst. And bromance. This is certainly an ep. made for fandom. And ficcing! :)


deinonychus_1 November 19 2013, 20:05:21 UTC
I was *supposed* to be writing Primeval fic yesterday afternoon, but this episode ate my brain and demanded that I have a random spurge of thoughts about it! And I wasn't originally intending to have pics as well, but then realised it was so long that I needed to give the poor readers *something* pretty to look at, lol! (Plus some of those screencaps have now found their way onto my screensaver as well, so win-win ( ... )


suzie_shooter November 19 2013, 18:54:22 UTC
I also thought the Oracle's reply that Pythagoras' question had been vague, when he accused her of a woolly answer was unfair, because it had been pretty bloody clear - would they make it across safely?

The Baucis theft bit did seem amazingly pointless (also the fact that she was apparently defeated so easily by 'other thieves' when she'd shown herself to be a kick-arse fighter was annoying), and served only as a heavy handed way of wedging in a plot bit about forgiveness.

There is a cynical part of me that thinks that if it was Jason facing off against the Furies, they would have found a way to make him shirtless by this point.
I was reading this quickly before heading to work this morning, and that nearly made me spit tea all over my keyboard. Petition for shirtless Pyth next series!

The Furies did seem remarkably random in who they were trying to finish off...


deinonychus_1 November 19 2013, 20:27:40 UTC
He did dither and change his mind a few times about exactly what he was asking the Oracle, so she was probably just a bit pissed off, lol! But that whole scene with the Oracle was weird.

Heehee! We *need* shirtless!Pythagoras in series 2! Even if only for a single scene!

The Furies were worryingly random to say they were supposed to be summoned to chase down a single individual. Why did they take Nilas? I suppose from a plot point of view the writers needed to show that there was danger to everyone, not just to Pythagoras, so at least one of the redshirts had to go. But then later the Furies seemed to grab Hercules and throw him back out again. WTF???!!! It makes no sense.


kristen_mara November 20 2013, 10:07:19 UTC

Will comment more on the weekend, but Connor might be sulking about now *G*


deinonychus_1 November 21 2013, 20:20:59 UTC
Lol! Poor Connor, I haven't abandoned him completely *cuddles Connor*. I've just been slightly distracted because TV has decided to throw another pretty-when-broken geek in my direction! :-)


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