Birthday fic for Nietie: Competitive

May 06, 2012 19:17

Happy birthday nietie! Hope you're having a lovely day ( Read more... )

fanfic, stephen hart, becker, stephen/becker, slash, tom ryan

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Comments 39

lukadreaming May 6 2012, 18:22:34 UTC
Ooh err! Hot, wet and pretty boys! And I like long-suffering Ryan *g*.


deinonychus_1 May 6 2012, 20:12:56 UTC
I think Ryan has his hands full trying to keep those two in line!


nietie May 6 2012, 18:36:46 UTC
Ooh, triple hotness!
Poor Ryan though. That is a lot of testosterone he has to deal with *huge grin*

Thank you for this wonderful birthday fic! *hugs*


deinonychus_1 May 6 2012, 20:14:09 UTC
Hee, they do seem to be making life difficult for Ryan, don't they?

Happy birthday! I hope you had a good day.


fredbassett May 6 2012, 18:53:09 UTC
Mmm, that's industrial amounts of wet pretty!

Very hot. *g*


deinonychus_1 May 6 2012, 20:15:09 UTC
can't beat a bit of hot shower!porn occasionally!


clea2011 May 6 2012, 19:23:34 UTC
Ooh that is a lot of very wet and yummy pretty! Nice! *g*


deinonychus_1 May 6 2012, 20:16:16 UTC
thanks. I deffinitely rounded up all the pretty ones for this fic!


fififolle May 6 2012, 19:50:55 UTC
Bloody GUH! That was delicious!!!


deinonychus_1 May 6 2012, 20:17:44 UTC
hee, thanks. You can't really go wrong with that combination of pretty men.


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