2022 reading list

Jan 04, 2022 21:10

Right, here we go again. Let's see if we can beat last year's total of 7 books read in the entire year. I'm not going to set myself any targets, but 'better than 7' seems a fairly low bar to aim for, and if I get to double figures I'm going to call it a win.


The Heron's Cry, by Ann Cleeves (fiction). Started 1/1/22 - finished 1/1/22 (yes, I read the entire novel in a single day, it was *that* good!)

Six Degrees - Our Future on a Hotter Planet, by Mark Lynas (non-fiction). Started 15/1/22 - finished 19/1/22

The Uninhabitable Earth - A Story of the Future, by David Wallace-Wells (non-fiction). Started 19/1/22 - finished 27/1/22

Moon Over Soho, by Ben Aaronovitch (fiction). Started 30/1/22 - finished 4/2/22

Our Final Warning - Six Degrees of Climate Emergency, by Mark Lynas (non-fiction). Started 5/2/22 - finished 24/2/22

The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies book 1), by KJ Charles (fiction). Started 25/2/22 - finished 27/2/22

A Case of Possession (A Charm of Magpies book 2), by KJ Charles, (fiction). Started 27/2/22 - finished 28/2/22

Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies book 3), by KJ Charles, (fiction). Started 1/3/22 - finished 4/3/22

Noah's Flood, by William Ryan and Walter Pitman, (non-fiction). Started 1/6/22 - finished 12/6/22

Climate Change (New Scientist Essential Guide no 8), edited Richard Webb, (non-fiction). Started 31/7/22 - finished 5/8/22

Evolution (New Scientist Essential Guide no 6), edited Richard Webb, (non-fiction). Started 5/8/22 - finished 9/8/22

Life On Earth (New Scientist Essential Guide no 11), edited Michael Marshall, (non-fiction). Started 10/8/22 - finished 14/8/22

The Ancient Guide To Modern Life, by Natalie Haynes, (non-fiction). Started 14/8/22 - finished 21/8/22

2042: The Great Cataclysm, by Melisande Mason, (fiction). Started 14/9/22 - finished 22/9/22

The World Without Us, by Alan Wiseman, (non-fiction). Started 1/10/22 - finished 13/10/22

The Rage of Cthulhu, by Gary Fry, (fiction). Started 28/10/22 - finished 30/10/22

The Solar System (New Scientist Essential Guide no 13), edited Stephen Battersby, (non-fiction). Started 18/11/22 - finished 24/11/22

Dead Shift, by John Llewellyn Probert, (fiction). Started 25/11/22 - finished 27/11/22

The Crossing Places, by Elly Griffiths, (fiction). Started 27/11/22 - finished 30/11/22

The Janus Stone, by Elly Griffiths, (fiction). Started 1/12/22 - finished 5/12/22

The Knowledge, by Lewis Dartnell, (non-fiction). Started 5/12/22 - finished 28/12/22

The Zig-Zag Girl, by Elly Griffiths, (fiction). Started 10/12/22 - finished 14/12/22

Infected, by Andrea Speed, (fiction). Started 18/12/22 - finished 23/12/22

Prey, by Andrea Speed, (fiction). Started 24/12/22 - finished 27/12/22

Volcanoes - A Very Short Introduction, by Michael J. Branney and Jan Zalasiewicz, (non-fiction). Started 28/12/22 - finished 29/12/22

Bloodlines, by Andrea Speed, (fiction). Started 30/12/22 - finished 31/12/22



Ancient History 6 Oct/Nov 2016
Current Archaeology 380 November 2021
Current Archaeology 381 December 2021
Writing Magazine January 2022
Writing Magazine February 2022 (and I am now *completely* up to date with WM for the first time in *years*!)


New Scientist 3367, 1st January 2022
New Scientist 3368, 8th January 2022
New Scientist 3369, 15th January 2022
New Scientist 3370, 22nd January 2022
New Scientist 3371, 29th January 2022


New Scientist 3372, 5th February 2022
New Scientist 3373, 12th February 2022
New Scientist 3374, 19th February 2022
Sky at Night December 2021
Astronomy Now January 2022
Current Archaeology 382 January 2022
Writing Magazine March 2022
Astronomy Now February 2022
Current Archaeology 383 February 2022
Astronomy Now March 2022
Current Archaeology 384 March 2022


Astronomy Now April 2022
New Scientist 3375, 26th February 2022
New Scientist 3376, 5th March 2022
New Scientist 3377, 12th March 2022
New Scientist 3378, 19th March 2022
New Scientist 3379, 26th March 2022
New Scientist 3380, 2nd April 2022
New Scientist 3381, 9th April 2022
New Scientist 3382, 16th April 2022
Current Archaeology 385 April 2022
Current Archaeology 386 May 2022
Current World Archaeology 108 Aug/Sept 2021


Writing Magazine April 2022
BBC History Magazine November 2020
New Scientist 3383, 23rd April 2022
New Scientist 3384, 30th April 2022
New Scientist 3385, 7th May 2022
Astronomy Now May 2022
New Scientist 3386, 14th May 2022
Writing Magazine May 2022
Current Archaeology 387 June 2022


New Scientist 3387, 21st May 2022
New Scientist 3388, 28th May 2022
New Scientist 3389, 4th June 2022
Astronomy Now June 2022
Writing Magazine June 2022
New Scientist 3390, 11th June 2022


New Scientist 3391, 18th June 2022
New Scientist 3392, 25th June 2022
New Scientist 3393, 2nd July 2022
Current Archaeology 388 July 2022
Writing Magazine July 2022
Astronomy Now July 2022
New Scientist 3394, 9th July
New Scientist 3395, 16th July
Current Archaeology 389 August 2022
Writing Magazine August 2022
New Scientist 3396, 23rd July
Astronomy Now August 2022


New Scientist 3397, 30th July
New Scientist 3398, 6th August 2022
New Scientist 3399, 13th August 2022


New Scientist 3400, 20th August 2022
New Scientist 3401, 27th august 2022
New Scientist 3402, 3rd September 2022
Astronomy Now September 2022
Current Archaeology 390 September 2022
New Scientist 3403, 10th September 2022


New Scientist 3404, 17th September 2022
New Scientist 3405, 24th September 2022
New Scientist 3406, 1st October 2022
New Scientist 3407, 8th October 2022
New Scientist 3408, 15th October 2022


Astronomy Now October 2022
Astronomy Now November 2022
New Scientist 3409, 22nd October 2022
New Scientist 3410, 29th October 2022
New Scientist 3411, 5th November 2022
New Scientist 3412, 12th November 2022


None (too busy having a last minute dash with books for the ljbookbingo 2022 challenge)

reading list

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