Title: Morning Delight
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 1, 216 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show
A/N: This was written for
afrakaday's birthday. One of her fabulous prompts was "Bill and Laura cooking together." Happy, happy birthday to you! This fic is set a few days after ADFMS, but before The Oath.
Morning Delight )
Comments 24
I totally agree with you. I want all my ships to have sweet breakfast in bed fics. ♥ It's definitely a thing.
Thanks for reading.
Yesssss! Happy lovely domesticity between ADFMS and The Oath! (I know we've had the debate before over whether those two eps are contiguous or not, so a fic in the not department warms the cockles of my heart.)
I love what you did with the prompt. Of course Bill pulls out his silver tray and finds the one thing that was her favorite. :D
Perfect ending is perfect. Mmmmmm. Also, I would like to borrow Bill's sweater, as well.
Thank you for giving them, and me, this good day. *twirls you*
I just want them to have had as much time as possible enjoying their newfound-domesticity. ♥
Of course Bill pulls out his silver tray and finds the one thing that was her favorite. :D
Nothing but the best for his lady!
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the fic, thanks for the awesome prompt! Happy birthday once again. :D
Thanks red!
Thanks for reading. :)
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