Title: Living With Yesterday's Sins
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 300 words
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.
A/N: Written for the "A&R" challenge at
ar_drabbles. As usual,
redrockcan was all too happy to supply me with the words "apocalypse/reckoning" for this.
“What was the first thing that crossed your mind, when the first nuke was dropped?”
Their conversation has turned serious now. The light, sweet smelling smoke is curling in the night sky around them; seeping deep into the darkest recesses of their minds. Laura’s fist tugs lightly on Bill’s tunic.
He takes a deep breath.
“I didn’t really think; I just reacted. I knew what I needed to do and where I needed to be. It didn’t really hit me until later. I was being stitched up by Cottle; bodies were everywhere. My men and women, so many of them dead; so many of them were just starting their lives.”
Laura’s hand unfurls the fabric, and begins tracing soothing patterns onto his chest. He sighs, finding comfort in her touch.
“I realized then; the apocalypse, it’s here.” His voice trails off.
“When I heard the report, I thought about something my mother had told me when I was a girl. She told me that, one day, there was going to be a reckoning. Humanity was going to be judged before the Gods and those who had been faithful would be granted mercy while the wicked would burn in Hades,” Laura says softly.
“My grandmother used to say that,” Bill says.
“All I could think about was how wrong she had been. I’d spent so many years denying the Gods a place in my life; committing sins without any regard for their consequences. And yet, I was alive. Dying, but still alive despite my sins, despite my lack of faith.”
“You’re not dying now,” Bill says.
“I’m not?” she says, unsure of his declaration. Her voice is distant, floating away with the haze around them.
“No,” he says with more conviction. He grasps her hand.
“We’re living. This is it; life.”