001 || Enter one angel, stage left

Dec 08, 2011 23:54

[A:  Action: 1487 Kramden Street]

[Aziraphale wakes up rather suddenly.  The fact that he was asleep in the first place startles him; unlike Crowley, he could never really get the hang of it.  He doesn't really remember going to sleep, let alone going to sleep in a bed.  Surprise turns into panic when he finds someone beside him, but he slides out ( Read more... )

mayfield, action

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Comments 67

A chaoschildofgod December 9 2011, 00:05:05 UTC
[chaos is only slightly surprised at having someone new in the house. After all, he'd known that Ashton was gone when the dragons disappeared, and he'd already seen the photos on his way down to the kitchen. So he doesn't really panic or anything else on seeing Aziraphale. In fact, by his tone, he may have no real reaction at all as he speaks.]

Good morning.


defenderofducks December 9 2011, 07:53:14 UTC
[Aziraphale, on the other hand, hadn't even noticed the photos. He jumps at the voice, and gives him a guilty glance, before closing the cupboard he was riffling through and stepping back. He hadn't even thought about the people who actually lived here.]

Ah, good morning?

[A pause, as he looks at him, taking him in. Why doesn't he seem surprised?]

Actually, no. Please can you tell me what on earth is going on.


chaoschildofgod December 9 2011, 17:26:56 UTC
[None of these reactions seem odd to chaos. He has seen a few, and heard a few, of the new arrival's reactions after all. The vague smile he usually keeps on his face disappears, at least, as he responds, replaced by a more serious look.]

Well... I'm afraid you've been, for lack of a better word, kidnapped.


defenderofducks December 9 2011, 19:29:41 UTC
[That doesn't make much more sense to Aziraphale than any of this, I'm afraid.]

I'm sorry, you'll have to explain better than that.


C, of course eyesofaserpent December 9 2011, 00:22:25 UTC
[Crowley's "busy" polishing a glass when a tweed clad arm slides into view. For a moment he thinks it's Rupert Giles, but as he looks up to see familiar curly blonde hair over a familiar nose. He drops the glass on the floor and it shatters, but he couldn't be arsed to do anything about that.]

Aziraphale?! What in the bloody blazes are you doing here?!


C for Crowley. <3 defenderofducks December 9 2011, 07:57:01 UTC
[Flinching at the glass, Aziraphale looks up, before his eyes widen. Well of all the people to find here... A smile lights up his face and for the first time a spark of hope fills him. Well then. Perhaps it won't be too bad.]

Something I've been asking myself all day, dear. [He takes the demon in, and then realises that he's on the wrong side of the bar.] Are you working?


As well it should be. eyesofaserpent December 9 2011, 21:47:52 UTC
How long have you been here? You great, bloody idiot. Why did you get yourself dragged into this hell hole too?

[He starts mixing up a cocktail for the angel. Into a shaker with ice goes an ounce of scotch, an ounce of sweet vermouth, and ounce of cherry brandy, and an ounce of orange juice. He caps it and shakes it and pours the cocktail into a martini glass with a maraschino cherry at the bottom. He slides it over to Aziraphale.]

Er... Yes, I'm working. This town likes to make sure it's unwilling citizens are just as productive as the drones.


<33 defenderofducks December 9 2011, 22:32:20 UTC
It's lovely to see you too. [He smiles at him despite the sarcasm, watching as he starts to make him a drink.] I'm afraid I didn't have much of a choice.

[Taking the glass with a smile, he sips from it.] Not bad. [Aziraphale pauses, looking at Crowley.] Have you... been here for a long time? [As far as Aziraphale knows he saw the demon yesterday, but, well, he seems pretty settled here and if people can be pulled from different dimensions, different times doesn't seem like much of a stretch.]


C change_seasons December 9 2011, 03:23:50 UTC
[Sees the man slouch down.

The older man has a cigarette burning in the ash tray, a drinking glass and a bottle of vodka.

He asks for another glass and puts it infront of the stranger. Pouring him a drink.]

You look like you need this more than me.

My treat. It is not good vodka, but it works.


defenderofducks December 9 2011, 15:07:03 UTC
Oh, um, thank you.

[He might look soft, but the angel takes the glass and downs it without so much as a wince. He gives the man a smile as he sets it back down on the bar.]

It's not too bad. I've had worse. [Or, at least, it would be impolite to say anything else.]


change_seasons December 9 2011, 17:27:06 UTC
I've had worse too. Still takes bad.

[Pours the man another. Then drinking and pouring himself more.]

I had good vodka once. Someone gave as gift. It was trick, but vodka was good.


defenderofducks December 9 2011, 19:54:11 UTC
Hmm, is that so? [Discreetly, Aziraphale waves his hand by the glass before lifting it again, attempting to miracle it into a better vodka, but when he sips from it this time it's still just as bad and he frowns faintly to himself. Putting that aside to ponder later, he gives another smile.]

Sorry, I'm Zira Fell. I just arrived here, as you can probably tell.


B! bye_to_yer_head December 9 2011, 04:30:57 UTC
You look a mite lost.


defenderofducks December 9 2011, 15:12:11 UTC
[Lost is one way to put it.]

I feel a little bit lost.

[A pause, and then he at least offers a smile.] You wouldn't happen to know if there are any bookshops around here, do you?


bye_to_yer_head December 10 2011, 09:04:26 UTC
I'm sure there is one but I don't know where. I can help you with foindin' th' bar or where t' get smokes. Otherwise I'm pretty useless.

Just showed up today?


defenderofducks December 10 2011, 20:42:00 UTC
... I suppose a bar would do for now. Goodness knows that I need a drink.

I'm afraid so. This is all rather... A shock to the system.


A guuruguuru December 9 2011, 10:53:47 UTC
[The problem with Rorona and spying on people is that she's too obvious. It's not the fact that she's not making much of an effort to hide herself, no. It's not even the fact that she's staring intently at the new housemate.

It's the part where she is voicing out sound effects out loud.]



defenderofducks December 9 2011, 14:36:56 UTC
[Aziraphale has met some interesting people on interesting drugs, but this is something else. And he's already on edge.]

A-ah, I'm sorry?


guuruguuru December 15 2011, 12:38:48 UTC
[All the judging stares. All of them.]

You're new! You weren't here yesterday; Ashton's gone, too.


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