Writer's Block: Sh*t Happens

Feb 11, 2012 23:21

I guess my answer would be to relax a bit; to understand that not everything in this life is in our control. One has to learn to roll with the punches.  I would also add that it helps to surround yourself with good friends.  Lastly, humor can add so much to making even the most mundane of activities seem positive. Laugh long and hard.  Always ( Read more... )

writer's block

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Comments 2

a_phoenixdragon February 12 2012, 11:09:36 UTC
I bow (once more) to the excellence and solidness of your Epic wisdom. Thou art quick and sharp of the mind, lovie.

But if all these things fail: Go out drinking.

Your headache in the morning will remind you of why you have it good, lol!



deeremet February 12 2012, 19:13:41 UTC
LOL! I tried that once, remember my post? My son said it made me stupid but happy so maybe you have a point!

*Still giggling* Thanks so much for that laugh today. Now I bow to your epic wisdom and your wonderful sense of humor. You definitely add positivity to my life so thanks!


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