Writer's Block: Winter vacation

Dec 26, 2011 01:14

I would like to register for a writing class.  Will I?  The odds are overwhelmingly against it although I will try.  

writer's block

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Comments 5

koppermoon December 26 2011, 08:48:50 UTC
deeremet December 26 2011, 09:51:29 UTC
Thanks for the encouragement! It is much appreciated. The small stones sounds really intriguing. Maybe I will give that a try. Will you be posting yours on LJ?


koppermoon December 26 2011, 20:03:45 UTC

a_phoenixdragon December 26 2011, 10:25:57 UTC
Go for it, sweetie! We will back you no matter what you decide!



deeremet December 26 2011, 23:35:02 UTC
Aww, thanks! Coming from such a wonderful writer, that really means a lot to me. Now all I have to do is get taken by a strong tornado, land in Oz, find the wizard, and get me some COURAGE! lol


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