also is it weird I took notes?
Countdown Special
So they countdown special was all kinds of lame. All it was stuff thats on the special features and like 2 second clips of what was coming. There were a few things that were awesome. Some of the lines from the character recaps made me laugh:
- "He's a great dad.. When he's not killing people" and ect. That is so true. I spit take'd
- They said something about Mohinder speaking his mind like a poet. My one thought was so thats what those monologues are called? Also the little too trusting bit made me laugh because its so obviously true
- They also said something about the Petrelli brothers not being like others and showed them embracing. That's right- Heroes: Bringing the Emotional Subtext since 2006
- The way the announcer announced all of Peters powers made me crack up as well.
- And then when they were like they lived after the explosion, but Nathan got shot, but we'll get to that later was made of win.
Moral of that recap? HRG pwns. Mohinder is boring. Petrellis are made of win. The end.
Other random observations? Dubbed Heroes is weird. Also do they dub the Japanese in Japan? Does Hiro sound like Masi when speaking in Japanese, but like some random dude in Japan when speaking Englishes? Also in other things that should not be coming out of someone's mouth. I am apparently so used to Mohinder's voice that I was convinced that Sendhil Ramamurthy had to have that accent in real life and he doesn't and that was weird.
Also? Hayden was the only one that seemed comfortable reading from a teleprompter. Ali Larter bugged me whenever she talked.
And that whole who shot Nathan thing was pointless. Nikki was dead. Mohinder was watching it on TV with Molly and Maya. Claire was watching it on TV.... and she likes to shoot Peter not Nathan. Adam was buried underground like they said. and Sylar was in New York. He can't freaking teleport. Only plausible person they mentioned was HRG.
3x01: The Second Coming
Usually I split this up by group... but I have notes so chronological order tonight weeee.
- I really thought this 4 years stuff was for like the end of the season. The "why are you like this?" and the "because I'm different. SPECIAL always gets me. I love the chemistry in this scene.
- I love that Peter has the 5 years gone scar but I wonder if its the same 'verse because he has it. Stupid Confusing Timelines confusing me!
- Peter not getting shot was kind of a let down. I don't know why.
- ZOMG! WTF PETER SHOT NATHAN? Granted it was Future!Peter but still. And after all my bitching about how stupid that "Who shot Nathan" thing was I guess not going with the obvious made sense.
- I loved how Hiro was messing with the clock. It reminded me of season1 Hiro and it was awesome.
- Also Ando being intimidated by Hiro because he has money and jets and stuff was made of win.
- Loved the reference to destiny calling and such and then the knock on the door.
- Again in things from the previews I thought would be later: Sylar visiting Claire.
- Loved the reference to Mexico as a bad taco.
- Cheerleading Trophy as weapon made me laugh
- This is all reminding me why I don't watch horror movies.
- I really liked the transition between Claire and Maya. Wait I liked something to do with Maya? Oooohkay.
- Mohinder sent molly away? Not cool. Where did she go? Waaait I know. She's 11ish right?. And "they" can't find her. And she had to go on a plane. Obviously she's going to Hogwarts on an exchange program. She's going to meet Teddy Lupin, and since Harry probably is saving the Marauder's map for Albus Severus. Molly's power will help both of them play pranks and avoid Mrs. Norris. Seriously. Its happening. And if anyone writes this in fic form for me I'll love them. I can see this ship working.
- What is up with Heroes and Boxes. Seriously. First Peter's Memories. Now Kaito's secret?
- Whats the slogan this season? Guard the formula save the world?
- Dash bores me. Its like the incredibles all over again.
- So Peter is not Peter from the present and Nathan "saw God" and thinks he's a prophet.
- New Slogan part 2: Save ourselves, save the world.
- I bet Mohinder figured out the formula Hiro needs to protect.
- Loved that Claire asked if he eats brains- yaay fan shoutouts!"
- But Claire sitting there with her head off TALKING and Sylar touching her brain is too much.
- I love that Sylar gave Claire her head back. Thats a weird sentence.
- I don't like how Claire's like Adam. I sense Villain in the future.
- I don't like this whole Nathan is a religous nut thing.
- UM WTF RANDOM LINDERMAN? OOH IT WAS HIM WHO HEALED NATHAN. I thought it was just a side effect of the blood.
- Peter apologizing to Nathan for killing him broke my heart.
- Ewww Scorpion. Hi Matt. Nice to see you for 2 seconds but where the hell are you?
- Ummm since when did Ando have sparks. Future is confusing me!
- Mohinder's vaccine thing killed him. It was the power of death.
- I thought Peter's dreams came from Charles Deveaux. Oh well at least The whole random memory mom thing in the virus future makes sense now.
- Hi There again Matt. Where the Hell Are YOU?
- Darn. Mohinder got super strength and not death.
3x02: The Butterfly Effect
- This whole Claire not feeling a thing predicaments is creepy.
- Everything is Peter's fault because he came back and killed Nathan...
- Mohinder's power= heightened senses and sex drive?
- Hey Matt! Where are you? Wait don't die!
- Tracy has no recollection of being Nikki, unlike when Nikki was Jessica/Gina... thats interesting.
- I loved Peter and Claire after the train thing. She still wants to trust him and he doesn't want to screw up and I thought I was done with shipping Paire.
- Unlike Nikki Tracy is interesting.
- I don't want Nathan in a position of power.
- Bye Bob. Go be in 13972492834012 other things now. It was nice knowing you.
- Loved how Elle broke out HRG.
- Apparently Elle is more indestructible than Claire.
- Some dude thinks He's Peter.
- I liked the trap idea with the medal.
- Loved the telling the truth for forgiveness between Nathan and Peter but not the senator encouragement. I can't see that as a good thing.
- Tracy freezes people? That's cool.
- Poor Elle. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
- Hiro and Ando need to trust each other.
- WTF Mohinder is green and scaly. Is he turning into Mohinder the Lizard?
- Hi Matt. Talk to the Turtle. Its probably Mohinder coming to save you. Oh and ask him where you are.
- "Why are you talking to a turtle?" hee. But its not Mohinder :(
- How did Peter send Matt to AFRICA?
- How many people can see the future on this show? Issac, African Dude, Ma Petrelli
- Matt has to spirit walk. WTF is up with all the religion?
- HRG loves being badass more than you Claire. I'm sorry.
- So Nathan turned into Hurley and Linderman into Charlie. Seriously. I've seen this before on Lost.
- 12 escapees. Just like Azkaban. This furthers my theory that Mohinder sent Molly to Hogwarts for research or something.
- So glad Meredith is back. I love the fire in the hand.
- I loved that present Peter called Nathan to warn him.
- Peter is trapped in Jesse's body and looks like Jesse to the rest of the world or something? I'm confused.
- WTF!!!!!! Sylar is a Petrelli!