Missing You At Night

Jun 28, 2008 03:15

Title: Missing You At Night
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened
Summary: Bam misses Ville at night.

I miss you most at night.
That sounds really stupid. Why should I miss you the most then? Why wouldn’t I miss you at dinnertime, when you’re not at the table next to me, giving me a glare and reminding me to eat my vegetables? Why wouldn’t I miss you in the morning when there isn’t anyone to hand me a hot cup of coffee and a kiss good morning? Or how about when we’re driving and you can’t give me that LOOK that means to slow down?
Don’t get me wrong. I miss you during all those times.
I just miss you most in the night. It’s then that I miss you so badly, I can taste it. It’s like ashes crumbling on the back of my tongue.
But I have a secret. This is going to sound weird. This is going to sound SO weird, and you’re going to laugh at me, but I don’t care. Not really. I know that you don’t laugh at me to be mean, you only laugh at me when I’ve done something you find really amusing, which is a lot. (And you do laugh when I’m being a real jackass, because sometimes you think if I’m going to be that stupid on purpose, you’re going to laugh at me. It’s a fair trade.)
I don’t change the sheets when you’re gone. I don’t do it because I’m lazy, or because I don’t know how. (Ape did teach me, I just didn’t do it when I lived with her. Why should I? I knew she was going to do it for me!)
I don’t change them because they smell like you.
I roll over into your spot and grab your pillow and hold it close to my chest. I bury my face in it, and I can smell your shampoo, your body wash, traces of your cologne, and that certain spicy thing that I’ve never really been able to put my finger on.
It’s almost as good as having you there in bed with me. Although of course, the pillow and sheets can’t do all the different things you do. They can’t hog the blankets until I’m forced to cuddle with you for warmth. They can’t kiss me on my temple just when I’m drifting off to sleep, and they can’t murmur that they love me.
They are better than nothing, though. I’m not putting them down, not at all. They do their best to comfort me when you’re away, and so I have to give them proper credit.
I still miss you though. I miss you when the moon is full and the night is holding giving everything that blue, ethereal sort of glow, because you’re not there to point it out to me. I miss taking late night drives to Taco Bell, because you’re dying for an order of cheesy fiesta potatoes. I miss walking around Wal-Mart at two AM because we can’t sleep and it’s the only thing open.
I miss you when you’re gone.
But I miss you most at night.

vam, fluff

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