And there was Brown. He was upsidedown. He was lapping up the whiskey on the floor!

Aug 08, 2005 23:11

I had so much fun at the faire on Sunday! Mostly me and mom wondered around to different shows and see the others periodically. Me and mom got in to a game of checkers. One of the actors came over and gave her advice and that though me off my game. -_-;;; But eventually I won with three or four pieces left. During one of the little shows with the king and stuff, I sat next to the Frenchman. So I got to talk to him a bit. The pub sing was the best ever for me because I got one of the lyric books and I could sing along with everyone. And sing I did, I think the heat or something was effecting my brain. I don't know how long it was but I decided I needed a drink to drink and hold 'cause we were at a pub so I got a root beer. It was difficult because Nibbs had to dig around in my mom's pocket to grab something smaller than a twenty while she was video taping.
On the car ride home it was decided that I am, if I can go back for a day, stock Franchesco (Italian Merchant Prince) and then when he is captured, glomp him crying "NOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVE HIM!!!". I still need to think of what I'm going to say beyond that...Out of that thinking, came the thought that I had no french in me which Lust twisted nicely for me. >_<;;;; I was thinking today that I would challenge him to a checkers game because I saw him playing with one of the ladies on the village. I shall send my challenge by way of Lust and flower. Yesssss. And then he shall (hopefully) return the challenge by way of Lust. ^*_*^ Oh yeah, it's all coming together. Btw, those are supposed to be horns on the face...didn't work to well.

Good times, good times. I'm really enjoying this icon.
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