If YOU want, too!axemeaquestionMarch 26 2011, 02:04:23 UTC
I have a lot of 'the good stuff' in the first place. But I need more ammo, I guess... [And an actual gun license whoops so guess who'll be avoiding the topic.]
Me neither. Not that much since thought riots a few months back. And alright, see you then?
Probably gonna be slow through 4/4, but if that's okay, I'm cool with it!deceptive_lulzMarch 26 2011, 02:31:29 UTC
I suppose I only need ammo myself. Eeheehee...the Core was forgiving enough to give me the gun I wanted.
[Although she'd give it back, if she could get one of two people back. But gun license? You needed one of those? OH WELL. It's not like Sarina would have bothered to get it anyway.]
Yeah, see you then! Hopefully the crowds don't riot when we're around, huh?
Very okay! And mmk, I can set up the log tonight and link you.axemeaquestionMarch 26 2011, 02:40:07 UTC
Mmm-hm... [Again with the whole avoiding it now, now that she was thinking about it. She hadn't gotten in any particular deep shit for the lack of gun license YET, but just in case...
Huh. The way shit happens around here? Cross your fingers.
hey girl hey]
[Not that it mattered to her anyway, since she went out every night anyway.]
Where do you want to meet?
[Thinking...] The mall, maybe?
[Even if Sarina really had a fondness for good clothing.]
It's been a while, since I've been there. Not since I left Coconut's. So, all right! Sounds good to me.
Me neither. Not that much since thought riots a few months back. And alright, see you then?
[Although she'd give it back, if she could get one of two people back. But gun license? You needed one of those? OH WELL. It's not like Sarina would have bothered to get it anyway.]
Yeah, see you then! Hopefully the crowds don't riot when we're around, huh?
Huh. The way shit happens around here? Cross your fingers.
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