A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Castle
Rating: PG
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Warnings: None
Summary: It was inevitable. Written for
castleland's Advent Calendar.
The 12th Precinct doesn’t have a Christmas party per se, but in between Santa pickpockets and a troupe of caroling burglars, they manage a festive gathering between shifts, with Santa hats, Mrs. Montgomery’s mint fudge, and Bing Crosby crooning about a White Christmas.
Esposito’s the one that points out the scraggly piece of mistletoe hanging above Castle and Beckett. Castle’s expression turns mischievous as Beckett adopts a look that’s almost predatory. Castle makes a wiseacre comment, and Beckett’s response is to press her lips to his.
Five minutes later, after the applause has abated, Castle and Beckett are still kissing.