"Teh Posset Kittehs" are scheduled to arrive at my house this afternoon! I'll have them decanted tonight and on their ways to you tomorrow. With any luck you'll receive them before "Forever Home" becomes unavailable on the tenth (in case you LOVE it!)
I'll have DC#s for you tomorrow evening. =^o.o^=
Original post:
teh possets kittehs circle,
decant circle
Comments 6
It's nice being so close to her scentquarters!
And thank you for posting this because it triggered my memory that I, you know, FORGOT TO PAY YOU. And Meg, for that matter. I wrote up my little post about what I ordered, in my journal, and somehow my brain decided that meant it was a done deal and therefore paid and all. STUPIDO! Sorry!
"Supah fast" is a very big reason I have the Possets love first and foremost. "I can has instant gratifications NAO NAO moar NAO"
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