Title: Maybe Tomorrow Day/Theme: May 23 Sooner or later he brings up the Templars Series: Charmed Character/Pairing: Wyatt/Bianca, Paige, Henry, mentions of Phoebe Rating: PG Word Count: 805 Written For: 31_days
Title: You Will Be Found Out Day/Theme: May 17 The coldest eyes and the cruelest hands Series: Charmed Character/Pairing: Wyatt, Chris, Bianca, Lyn Rating: PG Word Count: 448 Written For: 31_days
Title: Still Day/Theme: May 13 Love passed into the House of Lust Series: Charmed Character/Pairing: Wyatt/Bianca Rating: R Word Count: 6,174 Written For: 31_days
Title: Static In The Flow Day/Theme: May 10 The night grows darker yet Series: Charmed Character/Pairing: Wyatt/Bianca Rating: PG Word Count: 829 Written For: 31_days Note: If this sounds familiar, it is an extension of a drabble I did for drabbles100 - I was keen to further the story
Title: It’s All In The Cards Day/Theme: May 4 Dealing futures from the deck of swords Series: Charmed Character/Pairing: Wyatt/Bianca (Wyatt centric) Rating: PG Word Count: 700 Written For: 31_days
Title: Sanguine Siren Author: Julie decadentdream Fandom: Charmed Pairing: Wyatt/Bianca Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1096 Summary: A rare night out with friends proves a difficult feat when Bianca tries to seduce Wyatt. A/N: Written for the prompt "I like your pants around your feet." - AWDT Challenge conducted by jamie2109 & nocturnali
For those seeking basic information about these 2 characters, I've included a link to a background post I've written up which is accessible by clicking on the pairing names.
Title: What Do You Do? Author: Julie decadentdream Fandom: Charmed Pairing: Wyatt/Bianca Rating: G Word Count: 537 Summary: Wyatt & Bianca attend a dinner where she tries to conceal what
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I just finished watching this weeks In Justice and OMG Mari was so good in it!!! She was all threatened and shaky and now she's sporting a gun because she's so scared (and I totally expect her to shoot someone). So funny thing is while the whole being threatened and frisked by cops scene was going down, I'm here giving commentary about not doing
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