Title: Look To You Series: Charmed Character/(s): Primarily Wyatt & Chris, some Piper and Leo Prompt: With their parents MIA, Wyatt and Chris must face off their first demon together. Rating: PG Word Count: 2,608 Written For: broshalliwell
Yeah I was actually really glad that worked out... isn't it funny how I ended up having Chris save Wyatt (as per usual)? LOL Weird how that worked out. I honestly felt like I was writing it during ssn 6 again.
This is the one that I voted for, isn't it! You did a wonderful job! I particulary love the way you wrote the brothers' relationship, and from a younger sister's pov, Chris' feelings and the way Wyatt acted are spot on. Honestly it was like reading tiny snippets of my own life with my big sister. Oooo they can be so annoying!
Yes it is :) And thank you. I'm glad you liked it.
Oh I'm so glad I got the relationship down. And I'm glad I could capture the younger siblings POV so well then ;) I'm the older one so it's no wonder I associate so much with Wyatt... and Dean on Supernatural... and just being the older sibling in everything LOL
Thanks so much! :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. And yeah I've worked it out to be a lot like that from what they've shown us ;) Okay now I'm pining for more *must remind self show has ended*
Comments 9
Oh I'm so glad I got the relationship down. And I'm glad I could capture the younger siblings POV so well then ;) I'm the older one so it's no wonder I associate so much with Wyatt... and Dean on Supernatural... and just being the older sibling in everything LOL
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