Name: Kate Messner
’09 Book Title: Untitled (sigh…)
Publisher: Walker Books
Favorite Books: As a kid, I devoured books by Beverly Cleary, Judy Blume, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and I loved Harriet the Spy enough to start my own spy notebook. Be careful what you say in front of me; I might still write it down.
I still love reading middle grade and young adults novels. Some of my recent favorites have been Rules by Cynthia Lord, A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, The Wild Girls by Pat Murphy, An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, Waiting for Normal by Leslie Connor, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series, and everything Laurie Halse Anderson and Linda Sue Park have ever written.
Favorite Bit of Writing Advice: “The scariest moment is always just before you start.” This advice is from someone who knows plenty about scary things…Stephen King. I know that when I’m starting a new project, I just need to sit down and start typing. As long as I can make myself do that, the rest will come. In the same book, On Writing, King also suggests we write with the door closed and rewrite with the door open - more good advice on getting that draft down and then listening to the internal (and external) editors later, when it’s time to revise.
Random Info About Me:
I grew up in a small town in Western NY, graduated from Syracuse University, and moved to the Champlain Valley, where I live now. I’m lucky enough to live on Lake Champlain, which is stunning whether it’s calm as a mirror in July, churning with waves in September, giving off steam in December, or frozen solid enough for ice skating in February.
In past years, I’ve been a playground supervisor, envelope stuffer, Friendly’s ice cream waitress, radio announcer, and tv news reporter. I’ve always been a writer, and now I’m also a mom and middle school English teacher. Also a dreamer of dreams, swinger of birches, and eater of chocolate.
My website:
http://www.katemessner.comMy blog: Book Synopsis: Gianna Zales has one week to finish her monster 7th grade leaf collection project but faces comic catastrophes (and real drama) at every turn.