Apr 28, 2010 00:43
Do you need your fanfic/short story/novella/paper/part of your novel proofread? I was raised by an editor, won spelling contests as a child, & have a good memory & excellent skill with small details. I will proofread a length of text approximately that of a novella for you in one week at any time before August 15, 2010. Don't worry about using the wrong version of their! I offer corrections of grammar & spelling, & minor editing advice ('this paragraph doesn't work for me,' 'if he gets on the truckbed silently, he can't make a big clang as he does so,' 'this contradicts the 4th paragraph on page 20'). Because I am only offering this for novella length pieces or less, I do not care what genre or fandom your text is. It can be high fantasy, porn, or a math paper for a journal. (No school papers, please.)
Contact: please message me on livejournal.
Delivery: give me the text any time before August 8, 2010, & I will send it back to you in 7 days. You can email me text or an attachment or type it into google docs & share it with me or anything else you can come up with.
Minimum bid: $5
seller: comrade_cat,
offered: proofreading