Thank you, everyone, for your incredible generosity! When we started
debsliverlovers, we hoped to be able to cover at least Deb's brother's plane fare, and had $10,000 as our pie-in-the-sky hope. Given the activity here in the past couple of days, added to the numbers I ran last week, and an utterly stunning behind-the-scenes anonymous donation, I am relatively certain that over the next week or so, as donations come in, we will find that we have surpassed our pie-in-the-sky goal. I will post numbers once we have them in hand.
The whole of Team Deb is frankly at a loss for words to sufficiently convey our gratitude for your help.
At this time, please:
- Bidders, stop bidding (I think there are one or two auctions with extended timelines due to extenuating circumstances -- we'll post a summary of those tomorrow)
- Sellers, please declare winners on your offers
- Winning bidders, please send your donation to WomanEarthandSpirit AT gmail DOT com EstrogenerationInc AT gmail DOT com via Paypal and PLEASE mark it "For Deb Mensinger" (or "For Deb's Liver" or any similar identifier) in the message box. Please send the money via Paypal by means of a bank transfer, eCheck, or PayPal balance, because then there are no processing fees and no limits. We strongly discourage people from paying via Paypal by credit card.
When you have donated, you can either forward your email receipt to the seller OR take a screenshot of your payment confirmation screen and send that to the seller. Directions for taking screenshots can be found
here for a Macintosh or
here for a Windows machine.
- Sellers, once you've received notification of donation, please post the final amount to
this post so we have a running tally.
Once more, thank you for the immense generosity you've shown to Deb and Laurie throughout this auction!