Offered: Fanfic

May 04, 2010 12:24

Offer: I will write a story of no less than 2000 words in the following fandoms: Star Trek (2009), Gosford Park, Jem, Jake 2.0, White Collar, Leverage, Doctor Who (2005), Max Headroom, Ultraviolet (tv), vr.5, The New Adventures of Wonder Woman* (tv). I can't write explicit femmeslash or slash, but am comfortable with writing explicit het. I especially love writing gen and canon relationships. You can see examples of my work here.


Delivery: I will have your story written by September 1.

Minimum bid: $10
Buy It Now: $100

ETA: if bidding ends via Buy it Now, I will write 500-1000 word short stories in any of the above fandoms for anyone who donates $50 to the cause, because, well... I'm like that.

* specifically the ABC series set during WWII, not the CBS series set during the 1970s as I don't have the source

fandom: leverage, fandom: jake 2.0, fandom: vr.5, fandom: ultraviolet (tv), fandom: wonder woman (tv), offered: fanfic, seller: taraljc, fandom: star trek (2009), fandom: white collar, fandom: max headroom, fandom: jem, fandom: doctor who (2005), fandom: gosford park

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