Touch - a Sensory Pleasure Interlude

Oct 21, 2007 08:59

I had intended on working on the next chapter of Pantheon next, but everyone seemed to want this so much more, soooo... Well, I trust you'll forgive me. ;)

Amy sighed in resignation. "I want you."

Lucy waited for her to continue, but it soon became clear that was all Amy had intended on saying. She grinned. "Glad to hear it," she said softly. "Because I can assure you, the feeling is most definitely mutual." She leaned in closer, and, meeting with no resistance, kissed Amy.

Amy moaned quietly in the back of her throat. It really wasn't fair what this woman could do to her with a simple kiss. Lucy must have heard her, because she all but purred in response and intensified the kiss.

The DEBS had drilled into her to always mind her surroundings, but now everything else had vanished, replaced by Lucy and Lucy alone. Her objections to seeing Lucy again melted away in the heat their kiss was generating. Lucy sucked gently on her tongue and she moaned again, hands instinctively reaching up, one resting on Lucy's head, her fingers running through the silky strands, the other on Lucy's back, pulling her closer.

Dimly, it occurred to Amy that they must be putting on one hell of a show for the other customers, but it was just a stray thought, no importance to it at all.

Lucy was hardly unaffected, either. Even her ex had never done anything like this to her, gotten to her so quickly and so completely. It was a good thing Amy was too busy to say anything, because she knew she would probably have agreed to anything just then, even willingly surrendering herself to the DEBS, if Amy had asked it.

Eventually, the kiss did have to end, if only because they both ran out of air. As Lucy gasped for breath, she managed to ask, "Meet me at The Courtyard at eight?" That would give them plenty of time to eat before heading to see the band.

Amy nodded wordlessly, not trusting herself to speak, quite yet.

Lucy eyed her speculatively. "So... when did you say your next class was?"

Amy gulped, but couldn't help but smile. "A couple hours, actually. Why, you have a suggestion for how I might kill time until then?"

Lucy gave her a wicked grin. "Come with me."

"That does seem to be the inevitable conclusion to our meetings, doesn't it?"

Lucy stared at her for a second, then burst into delighted laughter. If people hadn't been looking at them before, they certainly were now. "Oh, God," she gasped out. That had been the absolute last thing she would have expected Amy to say... and she couldn't even disagree! Still laughing, she tugged Amy to her feet and out of the shop.

"That's your car?" Amy asked, feeling surprised for no reason she could discern.

"That's my baby," Lucy confirmed, laughter finally tapering off. "Get in."

"Where are we going?" Amy asked as she did what Lucy had requested.

"It's a surprise."

"I've never really been a big fan of surprises," Amy warned as Lucy started up the car.

Lucy paused long enough before pulling out into traffic to give her a grin that set her pulse racing. Well, racing harder. "We'll have to see what we can do about that, then."

Amy tried asking nicely, pleading, cajoling, and even whispering the question into her ear in a tone she knew would drive Lucy crazy while idly rubbing a hand up and down her thigh. That last one had almost caused an accident when Lucy had jerked the wheel in surprise, but the criminal simply refused to tell her anything, seemingly enjoying her frustration.

Amy focused more of her attention on their surroundings, trying to figure out where they might be going. Soon after she did so, Lucy pulled into a tunnel that warned of construction. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see."

Not feeling especially reassured, Amy noted the further warning signs, including I'd Turn Back If I Were You, What, Did You Think I was Kidding?, Seriously, Turn Around, You Moron!, and Don't Say I Didn't Warn You. "Umm..."

"Don't worry."

Don't worry? Was she kidding? "Lucy, we're heading right for a wall!"

"Think so?"

"I have eyes!"

Lucy chuckled.

Amy had just enough time to think that Lucy had simply snapped and they were both about to die when they reached the wall... and went right through it.

As Amy tried to release the deathgrip she had on the door handle, Lucy slowed the car to a halt. The tunnel was dimly lit only by safety lights, giving them just enough illumination to see each other, and a few feet beyond the car. "That comes in pretty handy during car chases, let me tell you," Lucy informed the stunned blonde.

"I, uh... I'll bet," Amy stammered.

"You see," Lucy began, unbuckling her seat belt, "you shouldn't always trust your eyes alone. Your other senses are just as important. Take... touch, for example," she said, trailing a fingertip up and down Amy's arm.

"What about it?" she asked, playing along.

"I've always found touch to be very important." A series of kisses planted along Amy's jawline and down to her neck made sure her pulse didn't drop to anything resembling a slow speed. "It's easily the most under-appreciated of the senses, I think," she said, hands ghosting just above Amy's stomach and arm, just barely making themselves known.

Amy couldn't get her seatbelt out of the way fast enough. "Would you show me what I'm missing, then?"

"Why, Miss Bradshaw, I thought you'd never ask." Lucy sat down in her lap, kissing her soundly as she let her hands wander. Given that they'd made love for a good part of the previous evening, it was hardly as if she'd never touched Amy before. This time, though, she was deliberately teasing her, giving her just a little of what she wanted. "The thing is," she said between kisses. "One thing I've found over the years is that anticipation makes the end result so much sweeter."

"Wait too long and you may find that sweetness has spoiled," Amy warned, starting to breathe heavily as Lucy nipped at her earlobe.

"Duly noted." But she wouldn't do something like that to Amy in any event. Besides, her own self-control wasn't THAT good. At least, not where the blonde Deb was concerned. "And just to prove I'm not completely heartless... Why don't we get rid of this?" she asked, plucking at Amy's shirt.

Amy had it whipped off and tossed into the backseat in the blink of an eye.

Lucy barely choked down a laugh. "I like your enthusiasm," she commented, prompting Amy to flush in embarrassment. "But I think it's my turn, now."

Rather then take off her own shirt, as Amy had expected her to do, Lucy instead reached around and unclasped Amy's bra.

Don't start drooling, now. You'll kill your image, she told herself as she absently tossed the bra after the discarded shirt. And really, it was hardly as if she hadn't seen Amy naked not even an entire day ago. But even so... She couldn't quite manage to look away, and judging by the way Amy arched her back so that her breasts jutted out more, proudly displaying her rock-hard nipples, it was obvious that she'd noticed.

Lucy's lips had fastened on to one of them before she could really think about it, not caring whether or not this would be screwing up her "lesson" on touch.

Amy moaned loudly in pleasure, and Lucy decided that this would only help her case. She reached down for the tiny lever near the floor and reclined the seat all the way back, giving her more room to work. She caught a couple of muted thumps as Amy kicked off her shoes and grinned, pausing just long enough to help Amy get her socks off before switching to the other breast, flicking her tongue over the nipple. Amy groaned and shifted, obviously wanting more.

Lucy might have been a supervillain with designs to sink an entire continent, but she wasn't so evil as to refuse her that.

She began kissing her way down Amy's stomach, making a mental note of which spot made Amy suddenly jerk and choke off a laugh. That the Perfect Score was ticklish was interesting, but very much beside the point just then.

Balancing herself carefully on the seat, she began tugging Amy's skirt and panties off, Amy lifting her hips to help. Soon enough, Amy was laying there completely naked beneath a still fully-clothed Lucy, and didn't seem to have any problem with that. At least, now yet. Which Lucy also found interesting, yet utterly beside the point.

She planted a string of kisses along Amy's thigh, feeling it quiver in her grasp as Amy trembled in anticipation. Lucy smiled, knowing full well what Amy wanted, and being more then happy to give it to her.

Amy nearly levitated off the seat when Lucy's lips finally found their way to where she'd been needing them to be, and she couldn't stop a strangled shout. Lucy's tongue made her shiver when it trailed its way up and down, and when it began probing inside her... Well, she nearly lost it right there.

If she gripped the seat any tighter she'd probably rip chunks out of it, but she hardly cared. She didn't know who Lucy had dated before her, but she was having a hard time figuring out why anyone would want to lose someone who could do... well, this. Not that Amy had a lot of experience, but even she knew Lucy's oral skills had to be fairly unparalleled.

God, if she ever got it into her head to use this as a bribe to get Amy to join her team, she knew she'd probably agree in a heartbeat.

Just then, Lucy did... something... with her tongue that actually made Amy scream. No one had ever made her scream in pleasure before - not even Lucy herself - but she did now, climaxing so hard her vision went fuzzy for a second. "Oh... my... God..." she panted out when she could think coherently again.

"I was hoping you'd like that little trick," Lucy informed her smugly. "I've been saving it for someone special."

"I'm... flattered..."

"You're also so fucking hot I can't think straight," she added, her gaze turning hungry.

"I really wouldn't want you thinking straight right now, anyway," Amy replied with a smirk as she caught her breath. Again, Lucy was surprised into laughter. Amy took advantage of her basically helpless condition to begin undressing her. Lucy hardly objected, even doing what she could to help out.

In the past, Amy might have been self-conscious in such a situation, especially since Lucy was the only girl she'd ever done, well, anything with. Something about her, though... Everything they were doing felt so perfectly natural that the idea that it might be awkward or uncomfortable was ridiculous to her. That she couldn't match Lucy's level of skill didn't matter, because she would learn by doing.

And having a naked Lucy Diamond on top of her, writhing in pleasure as her lips began searching out spots that she remembered Lucy responding well to the last time was easily the best way to kill time between classes ever.

While Lucy did enjoy having her breasts played with as much as the next woman - sometimes more, especially where Amy was involved - that wasn't what she really wanted just then, so she swiftly changed her position, turning around so that her head was now once again between Amy's legs, and vice versa.

Amy had never participated in a so-called "sixty-nine" before, but since she had so little experience orally pleasing another woman, the idea of doing so upside down didn't throw her as much as it might have someone else. And when Lucy's mouth found its way to her pussy again, there really wasn't much she could do but return the favor.

And while she may have been new at such things, she was rapidly proving to be, much to Lucy's delight, a damned quick study.

Lucy was actually having trouble concentrating on what she was doing, Amy's dancing tongue proving to be a significant distraction. "Thought you... said you'd... never... been with... another girl... before..." she commented during her rare breaks for oxygen. Amy simply confirmed that with a muffled "Mmm-hmm." Lucy took that in and croaked, "Oh, God..." Amy made an inquisitive sound, right as her tongue hit a very sensitive spot that made Lucy's hips buck in response. "You're a natural," Lucy told her weakly. And if this was what she could do with next to no experience... Good Lord. She might just kill me one day.

Lucy found herself surprisingly all right with that idea.

Not having any idea what was going through her lover's mind, Amy was simply pleased with the compliment, and determined to live up to it. After all, Lucy had just given her what was easily the best orgasm she'd ever had, and was well on the way to giving her another one. How could she try to do any less?

She was getting close again, a humming sound in the back of her throat cluing Lucy in to that fact, so she knew she only had so much time before she'd be too tired to do much of anything else. She snuck in a hand to rub gently at Lucy's clit while her tongue once again sought out the spot that had made Lucy react so before.

The effect was immediate and extreme.

"Oh, God, Amy, that's... OH... Amyyyyy!" Lucy's hips pressed down, threatening to suffocate her, but she didn't, couldn't stop. And what a way to go, she thought with almost drunken amusement before Lucy managed to get her off for the second time in a row.

Eventually, Lucy managed to scrape up enough energy to turn herself back around, and for a long while, they simply lay there, together, naked and sweaty and very, very happy. No one had ever actually yelled out her name like that before during sex. She found that she liked it. "I think I'll keep you," she commented, finally breaking the silence.

"Oh, will you, now?" Lucy drawled, amused.


"Okay. Good to know."

Another silence. This time, Lucy was the one who broke it. "So, what did you think of that surprise?"

Amy sighed happily. "I loved it."

"Glad to hear it."

"Though it seemed to be just as much about taste as it was about touch," Amy commented.

She had something of a point, Lucy supposed. But still... "Oh, trust me, you'll know when we move on to taste." Amy gave what she knew had to be a delighted shiver. "That'll be another day, though."

"Oh, good. I'm not sure I could handle another 'lesson' so soon."

She chuckled. "Likewise. And don't ever try to give me that 'I don't know what I'm doing' line again, huh?"

Amy smiled, pleased. "Flatterer."

"I only speak the truth. Give me five, maybe ten more minutes, and I'll prove it."

Amy's expression turned incredulous, then she half-smiled. "I thought you said you didn't want to kill me."

Lucy snickered again. "You have something else you want to be doing?"

Her smile became a grin. "The only thing I want to be doing right now is tall, dark, and mind-shatteringly hot."

Her words provided Lucy with an infusion of fresh energy. "That's funny. I feel pretty much the same way, only in my case it would be tall, blonde, and ludicrously sexy."

Her grin widened. "Prove it."

"Is that a challenge, Bradshaw?"

"I think you know it is, Reynolds."

As it happened, Amy ended up missing her class.

She also really, really didn't care.

There. Is everybody happy, now? 8)


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