2011 - Day 221

Aug 10, 2011 16:22

Wasn't the best of days - they sent me off the ward only 4 hours into the shift ... staggered home, and back to bed.  Although the nice lady doctor I saw told me to stay home for another week ... and gave me a pressie -

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doctor, 366 day photos, camera

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Comments 14

illuminanted August 11 2011, 00:13:20 UTC
I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I hope you feel better very soon! :)


debris4spike August 12 2011, 11:15:19 UTC
It's taking a long time to begin to clear!

Thank you.


strikske August 11 2011, 05:33:35 UTC
Sorry your still not feeling better Deborah. Take the advice of the doctor and REST plus make good use of your prezzie.


debris4spike August 12 2011, 11:15:38 UTC
It's taking a long time to begin to clear!

Thank you.


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