I suppose that maybe I should just be over here - when I worked at the stables I had all my rides booked in as DW ... so maybe this should be my home
(PS - LJ I hate that you have made me do this!!)
This entry was originally posted at
http://debris4spike.dreamwidth.org/1002805.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
Comments 9
I'm going to wait a bit and use both sites.
But if LJ keeps going crazy, I will pack up and move totally to DW.
LJ is my home - I don't want to move, just doing this "in case" ... although hope that this panic will come to nothing, like the worries a few years back.
LJ is my home - I don't want to move, just doing this "in case"
PS: You need to give access (= Friending) and subscribe to posts too (= to see the posts on your F-page). Eh I think.
You have to do both. Ah yes, if you only subscribe I think you only get non logged posts. It's too late I think *gg*.
LJ sucks at the moment, doesn't it.
Yes, the system of friending seems more complicated, doesn't it?
Yes and no when you think about it (I had longer time to do so):
I have several LJ friends I've friended on LJ that don't have friended me back.
= Me I can see their open entries, they can see the F-Locked ones I've made.
@ DW I can watch them on my F-List (the opens ones like on LJ) but they can only see my open ones if they go looking.
In a way that's more justified. It's like adding a comm, they don't see your F-Locked entries.
Ultimately DW is only my back-up, in case. Hoever it s good to know both how it works - and where my real friends are.
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