
Aug 21, 2012 14:38

Last Friday I had arranged with Christine to go to one of the Stately Homes ... only to wake up to torrential rain.  We met, anyway and decided to head to Plymouth ... because, at least that way, we could wander round the shops.

We got there, and shopped ... and coffeed, and wandered ...and chatted.  I actually got a couple of things for birthdays, ( Read more... )

plymouth, usa, camera

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Comments 11

slaymesoftly August 21 2012, 16:43:29 UTC
Wonderful pictures - looks like the day cleared up nicely for you. I looked at a list of names, but didn't recognize any and am too lazy to dig through old stuff right now to find the name. Maybe later.


debris4spike August 21 2012, 20:03:17 UTC
What I found fascinating on the list was that in some families, just the man's name was listed ... in others his wife and children are named.

Yes, we were certainly lucky with the weather in the end.


lifefailsme August 21 2012, 18:55:18 UTC
What fantastic photos, no wonder you had such a good time.

And SHESH! That anchor is how big??.... :-O


debris4spike August 21 2012, 20:05:00 UTC
It was a great day.

I love my history, so although I'm not a fan of having my picture taken (I am fighting against my non-existant self-image though) I thought with a person by the anchor you actually get to see how big it is.


missus_grace August 21 2012, 19:26:05 UTC
Looks like a wonderful outing with some fascinating history! On this side of the pond we only learn about what happened when they reached Plymouth Rock -it's cool to see the other side!


debris4spike August 21 2012, 20:08:40 UTC
I was taught at school that 2 ships started, The Speedwell had to return, then The Mayflower set off by itself. The list of names is great that it has been kept. I suppose it helps that Plymouth has been important for years - stopping the Armada in 1588 to being a Naval base in WWII.

We went to Willaimsburg when we were there in 1989 ... and Philadephia. In W/burg we also saw the earlier settlements (?name)


missus_grace August 23 2012, 13:09:31 UTC
Probably Jamestown?


debris4spike August 29 2012, 06:43:35 UTC
We never went to Jamestown ... it was Wolstenholme Towne


bubblesandlace August 22 2012, 04:22:02 UTC
Sounds like a fun day! I love the pictures!


debris4spike August 22 2012, 08:57:24 UTC
It was great.


bubblesandlace August 22 2012, 21:41:27 UTC
I'm glad :)


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