Thanks! We upstarts are bumbling along. I've never heard that quote before. Never really gave it much thought either.
Going to enjoy the day by going to the movies with Tommy and then watching recorded TV from last week. Robert went fishing early this morning to avoid all the noisy people who will sleep late and then hit the water.
We had fireworks on Tues and Wed after dark. Scares my poor Max to death. He was shaky from Tues night, then Wed was the first Wed of the month so we had sirens from the close fire station. They test them once a month for weather related danger. Poor Max. He ran into the house and whimpered begging to be petted. Then last night they had the big show in town of fireworks which we can see from our back yard. He's had a rough couple of days.
Robert caught a good size fish and was home by 1pm. We enjoyed the movie, but it was more for Tommy than me. It was Magic Mike which is about strippers. I'm not really into male or female strippers. I get bored pretty quickly. I was more amused by it all then caught up in it.
Poor Jiffy is terrified of fireworks ... and thunder. He hides behind furniture - won't come out even for a cuddle.
Toni had an Alsation, Ben and he adored fireworks. When I went to a display with him, I think I spent more time watching him enjoy them, than I did looking at the sky itself!
The worst way to start a country that could ever be invented ... you are right, they don't deserve our help. They deserve to have to muddle through without us!
Comments 14
Going to enjoy the day by going to the movies with Tommy and then watching recorded TV from last week. Robert went fishing early this morning to avoid all the noisy people who will sleep late and then hit the water.
Hope you and Tommy enjoy your day out. Good thinking on Robert's part - hope he had a fun day.
Will there be fireworks later?
Robert caught a good size fish and was home by 1pm. We enjoyed the movie, but it was more for Tommy than me. It was Magic Mike which is about strippers. I'm not really into male or female strippers. I get bored pretty quickly. I was more amused by it all then caught up in it.
Toni had an Alsation, Ben and he adored fireworks. When I went to a display with him, I think I spent more time watching him enjoy them, than I did looking at the sky itself!
Well you don't deserve it ... after throwing away all that tea. That is the worst start that any country could have *g*
With that said, good luck to them and kudos on kicking our bums back to the stone age and sending good old King George bonkers for a few years ;D
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