If anyone has heard about the Fanlib case that went down earlier this week, I won't need to explain. But if you're like me - ignorant 9 times out of 10 - please pay attention to this post. Especially if you write or read fanfics.
icarusancalion recently posted this article, and I happened to catch it. Everything is explained
here. It's clarified in more detail there than I could ever manage.
In short, a new website called Fanlib.com is aiming to make profit from fan author's works, while not compensating the writers. They also lay all risk of lawsuits and copyright infringements on the writers themselves, from what I understand. Fanlib seems to have no notion of how fandoms are run in the first place.
Again, I cannot explain well enough. PLEASE take a look at the above post, and it'd be smart to check out the links provided in
darkhelmetj's DA as well, right
HERE (just scroll down a bit). Read the discussions people have been holding - if not to take an active role, then to understand what we're dealing with. The breakdown of the website's FAQ section is particularly enlightening. Intelligent, appropriately-skeptical fans have contacted the site's creator. (A lot of discussion actually happened through LJ, so if you think this doesn't affect you, it does.) I apologize if it seems I'm making a big deal out of something similar to cases that have happened in the past. But this appears to be more involved and threatening in general.
I'm posting this here because when I scoped out the Fanlib website I found a brief Dearka/Yzak fanfic there. I'd hoped that no SEED fans would have gone and posted to Fanlib at this point, but it turns out they did. So far, there are just three SEED fics in the database (of course one of which was the Dea/Yza ficlet). Still, it makes me writhe. I'd hate to see this fandom brought to attention in a negative manner thanks to a silly bunch of doofuses looking to make a quick buck. So even if this seems like an insignificant drop in the ocean for Dea/Yza fans now... You never know what could come of it.
Be cautious for the sake of our lovely ZAFT pilots and avoid Fanlib.com like the plague. :P Spread the word (and keep a lookout for repercussions affecting other fanfiction sites in the future).