03 HP Chamber of Secrets

Sep 01, 2018 19:23

I was going to post this yesterday, but sadly day has only 24 hours. *shrugs*

Ch3 The Burrow

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chamber of secrets, author: chantaldormand, chapter commentary, cos, chapter commentary: cos

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Comments 24

sunnyskywalker September 1 2018, 20:38:23 UTC
Hah, I know lots of people in state service and I know what you mean about "confidential" information. That person who just "retired"? Well, X says s/he accepted a gift well over the legal limit and it was "retirement" or investigation... but of course, everyone knows it's really that s/he knew too much about how the boss is, er, creatively distributing funds... And that's not even getting into the dirt on people using the agency's services.

Malfoy can't be a common name, because it is French, and only a small percentage of wizarding society could possibly be evil rich French Slytherins. QED!

These poor owls. I never could get through this chapter without feeling so awful for them.

Yikes, that is a good point about the lack of sex ed. Does this mean most of what Harry knows comes from Ron? Who probably learned most of what he "knows" from the twins? *shudders* Poor kids.

So that probably is what Fred and George meant. Percy is 16, so he probably was "polishing his prefect badge" and hoping it would be impressive enough for his ( ... )


chantaldormand September 1 2018, 22:07:15 UTC
/Yikes, that is a good point about the lack of sex ed. Does this mean most of what Harry knows comes from Ron? Who probably learned most of what he "knows" from the twins? *shudders* Poor kids ( ... )


sunnyskywalker September 6 2018, 03:31:07 UTC
Yeah, and there is a ballot initiative process in California which allows the public to directly vote on new laws too, though I think the signature requirements are a lot higher. It would seem odd to me if a director of even a minor government department authored one, though. Like, a firefighters' association or a former politician, sure, but not actively serving executive government officials. I'd have to check whether that's due to tradition or whether there's an actual legal barrier, though ( ... )


oryx_leucoryx September 6 2018, 04:48:40 UTC
The closest thing to representation by a lawyer that we see is when Dumbledore shows up in Harry's trial and brings a supportive witness. But I don't think he was there in official capacity. Perhaps a wizard's best hope is to have a Wizengamot member who is sympathetic to their case show up and present evidence in their favor.


sunnyskywalker September 1 2018, 20:41:11 UTC
Oh, and why enchant a tea set to be aggressive? Petunia would probably say for the same reason you might enchant a teacup to turn into a rat: so you can prank your terrified Muggle sister with it.

Ok, to be fair, you could also prank other witches and wizards with it. I'm sure Pomfrey heals biting teacup injuries at least a few times per year.


elanor_x September 1 2018, 21:25:59 UTC
Wanted to ask whether Anonymous comments being prohibited was done on purpose, or lj changed some rules and it happened accidentally. Before Anonymous could comment here and some did. May be, more people would comment if they could w/o having a lj.

>Where twins learned how to pick locks?

After googling, I found:

Ginny Night Flying, “She’s been breaking into your broom shed in the garden since the age of six and taking each of your brooms out in turn when you weren’t looking.” (OP26)

May be, small twins also had to break into a broom shed in order to practice flying without Molly's supervision.

>How Arthur, who during Voldie War I was not part of the Order, knows that Lucius was in the Inner Circle?

Lucius is a very influential, rich and not stupid wizard, so it would make sense for Voldemort to admit him into the Inner Circle in order to gain Lucius's full cooperation.

Also, I am sure DD told that to new members. It's something they would need to know.

>Burrow’s description sounds horrible. If you want to build obviously ( ... )


chantaldormand September 1 2018, 22:27:31 UTC
/Wanted to ask whether Anonymous comments being prohibited was done on purpose, or lj changed some rules and it happened accidentally. Before Anonymous could comment here and some did. May be, more people would comment if they could w/o having a lj./

It's either accidental or on part of LJ. When I'm posting, I use default settings. I'll take look on it little later.

/May be, small twins also had to break into a broom shed in order to practice flying without Molly's supervision. /

Contrary to what Jo thinks and what action movies show lock picking is not so simple. You have to interact with correct pins in correct order.
I can buy that wizards use very old types of locks so you can use hair pins to pick them up, but lock types you could encounter in 90'? Nope, you can't even fit hair pin into the lock ( ... )


elanor_x September 2 2018, 05:07:39 UTC
While Britain might be odd duck among European democracies

May I ask what you refer to?
I am from Israel but am interested in EU and Britain, so became curious what people from Europe think. :)
Which country are you from?


chantaldormand September 2 2018, 06:28:46 UTC
I meant of course Common Law and lack of one formally written constitution. They have constitutional law, just not written nicely in one place like most European countries.
Not that there is anything wring with this approach, but it can be confusing for other Europeans.
Thus I say they are bit of odd duck :)


smirkingcat September 2 2018, 06:41:30 UTC
i think most of TCoS is proof that jkr did not take good notes on her own story, and that she pantst it along, what always gets to me is how heir editors (there must have been many and still this is the end result) did not point out the repetition, i am not even a native, and in all my beta-works repetition is the first thing i point out, plot holes and leaps of logic are the 2nd - especially how we have been trained by hollywood to talk at the mission about what we are here to do- NO!!! at the mission we are doing missioning, everything has already been talked about *stupid moiviemakers* sorry going of the rail here...
and yes its not just schools/workplaces - agencies are also unable to keep their secrets, in a way this amuses me, because no secret is ever save...
well thank you again for you amazing review- also i never noticed the lock picking and why harry didn't pick it up... that is sort of strange, as it is such a handy thing to know...


oryx_leucoryx September 3 2018, 20:42:18 UTC
I want to point out that after spending the last three days locked up in his room and having his stuff locked up for even longer, Harry does not decide to learn picking locks. Or find any other way to prevent this from happening again… +1 to Leap of Logic

Actually in POA he does pick the cupboard lock in order to be able to do his summer homework.


chantaldormand September 3 2018, 21:40:03 UTC
I must admit I was bit confused by your statement, because in my sister's translated version the lock was "broken" instead of picked. But yeah in original version it is "picked".
As it is it doesn't really matter. Jo skipped perfectly good excuse for Ron (or twins) to bond with Harry over learning a new skill so our hero ends up magically learning a new skill. Just like with mimicking voices in PS.
If this isn't Mary Sue-ish trait then I'm boiled broccoli.


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