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Comments 2

nx74defiant June 16 2015, 03:10:26 UTC
Professor Trelawney: Oh, I’m just trying to dispose of some suspicious-looking bottles so people stop making fun of my drinking habits!Poor Trelawney. She is treated like a joke, with her incense, glasses, worthless predictions and drinking problem. Lets all laugh at the silly woman who thinks she is a seer ( ... )


vermouth1991 June 16 2015, 03:39:34 UTC
I remember that scene in X-Men very well. For once the trope is subverted and no one gets to smuggle illegal substance into a dorm (it helps that the headmaster's main power is mind-reading, though). I mean, Ice-Man isn't exactly the Percy Weasley type and yet he still obeys the rules. Which tells a lot.


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