Revisiting Dumbledore (again)

Mar 20, 2015 10:18

This is something that occurred to me as I was having a conversation with a friend. We were making fun of Harry Potter and he mentioned that he didn't like Dumbledore in the last few books because he was too perfect, too infallible, and absolutely everything went according to his plan. I brought up the potion in the cave as one counterpoint, and he ( Read more... )

meta, author: sweettalkeress, reader response, real life, albus dumbledore

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Comments 8

vermouth1991 March 20 2015, 14:21:48 UTC
Personally I think Harry's continuing feeding the poison/potion was more of a mix of his honoring the "Obey everything" agreement they'd previously established, and his own understanding that only by draining the loquid could they ever get the Horcrux at the bottom of the Birdbath, as opposed to Dumbledore giving any extra pressure or influence as he's reduced to whimpering on the ground.


nx74defiant March 22 2015, 19:53:15 UTC
The main thing that bothered me in the later books is we find out that Dumbledore knew all along where pre Voldmort Tom was headed, how Harry was being treated, etc - and did nothing about it.


mary_j_59 March 25 2015, 21:03:07 UTC
I agree. Even if Dumbledore knew, or suspected, that Harry was a horcrux, it's really hard to understand why, after the second book, he left the horcrux hunt almost entirely to Harry and his friends. Wouldn't you think a skilled, adult, horcrux- hunting team (for example, Dumbledore, Aberforth, McGonagal, Snape, anf Flitwick) could have discovered and destroyed all the others in three years?

I do agree that Dumbledore seems entirely in control of events, but it's hard to see why, unless it's for his own glory. He's certainly not a very good leader.


nx74defiant March 25 2015, 23:40:05 UTC
The list of things a good leader should have done and Dumbledore didn't is very long.

Destroy the horcuxs. Harry obviously didn't need to do that, most are destroyed by some one else.

Give the Slytherins a reason to reject Voldemort when he returns.

Grow the Order of Phoenix. Tonks seems to be the only real new recruit.


jana_ch March 26 2015, 05:19:13 UTC
I don't know how important it would have been to increase the size of the Order of the Phoenix. Would a larger number of people cleaning Grimmauld Place, arguing with one another, and annoying the only genuinely effective member (Snape) really have helped?


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