
Jun 22, 2014 09:46

I have been a member of HP fandom for many years. Recently I have become an active member of Pottermore. I know what most of you think of that site, but I hope you may consider the members a valid part of fandom. We, the members of Pottermore need your support. The site is malfunctioning, badly moderated and overall a mess, but the wonderful and ( Read more... )

pottermore, protest, harry potter

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Comments 8

attilathepbnun June 22 2014, 23:03:49 UTC
I'm not a member of Pottermore, but is there any way non-members can sign or otherwise help?


sionna_raven June 23 2014, 05:33:35 UTC
The petition can only be signed with Pottermore usernames. Spreading the word, talking about it with other HP fans perhaps on general HP sites, anything like that helps. Since I posted the petition on my journal a user of the Slytherin House leaderboard has vanished, with her roughly 100k of the points for the House Cup. We have started posting our complaints on the Pottermore Facebook site, any note of support there or on sites like Leaky Cauldron, Mugglenet or wherever Pottermore is promoted is appreciated. The sheer fact that you replied gives us hope that we are heard.


snapes_witch June 23 2014, 05:46:41 UTC
Did this start after Sony left?


sionna_raven June 23 2014, 06:15:32 UTC
Not really, but the technical problems got worse and the incompetence more blatant. Actually one of the reasons for glitches were the changes in the navigation and general layout to adapt to Playstation and also to enable the use of IPads and other tablets, so it looks like Sony messed up big time and left, before the whole thing blew up. The tech freaks among us also suspect that a recent move to other servers with an already faulty backup caused more accounts to vanish.
The main problem is that there is no support; emails are answered with automated responses that more often than not don't even refer to the concerns raised. The weird auto-moderation system on site which has been increased makes it almost impossible to help other users. We are not allowed to guide them to turtorial videos on YouTube or well-moderated, child-safe forums. The e-moderation works in favour of trolls and against playing and helpful users.


snapes_witch June 23 2014, 19:02:11 UTC
That's disheartening. I've been there since the beta era. Pottermore didn't turn out to be what I'd expected though now I'm not sure exactly what that was. I never did manage to successfully brew a potion or duel so I'm a dud as far as earning points for Ravenclaw.


sionna_raven July 8 2014, 10:26:22 UTC
I just want to update of the latest developments. Some of the deleted accounts have been reinstated. Slytherin got their points back...
and right now one of us is having coffee with a PM representative in London. After all those years they finally listen to us.


rattlesnakeroot July 13 2014, 20:05:23 UTC
My friend hwyla told me to come and look at your post about Pottermore. Our friend subtle1science recently had her account deleted, so I'm hopeful now that perhaps it will reappear.

I didn't get here in time to sign the petition, but I really appreciate that the fans came together to push Pottermore to respond. I thought their blog post about the deleted accounts was insulting to everyone's intelligence ("sorry your account is gone, but hey - your house still gets the points, so yay!)

I haven't had much trouble with the site, but I'm not very active. I just read the new stuff and look at the pictures, having given up on Potions and Dueling a long time ago. I think fans understand how complicated the website is, but there is so much more they could do to make it better.


sionna_raven July 13 2014, 20:42:04 UTC
Please tell subtle1science to contact me via personal message here. I can give her an email address to get her account back.
The Insider post doesn't refer to the "vanished" accounts though. The points that are slowly (too slowly) returned are points from really user-deleted accounts.
There is some improvement on the site since we delivered the petition. One of my friends was in London and had a nice two hour coffee with a PM representative. He took notes of all our complaints and suggestions.

None of us active players are there because of the "wonderful" gameplay, the "amazing" graphics or the exclusive content. We stayed in the mess that is Pottermore because of the people. There's a lively PM-based community on Facebook with chat, discussion, fanfic and art. There are two good forums Gryffinroar and Runes Potion Chamber (Slytherin-only). Even in-active PM members are welcome to join us ;)


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