
Nov 02, 2012 22:25

I was in the middle of crafting an extremely ingenious and elaborate explanation of why, uniquely in the WW, Lily’s sacrificial death could possibly have powered a shield so extraordinarily strong as to have deflected the unblockable Avada Kedavra, when the question hit me: but did it ( Read more... )

author: terri_testing, horcruxes, sacrifice, luck, ps/ss, magical theory, meta, lily potter, questions, plot holes, lily

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Comments 92

librasmile November 3 2012, 06:27:50 UTC
Fascinating. A bit confounding because one DOES like to think there's some greater magical or metaphysical mystery involved. Although I do wonder wouldn't the aurors have seen evidence of that kind of reflective property by now and exploited it? Then again they do say wizards don't have an ounce of logic.

I myself postulated that it had something to do with Harry being tied to old magic, the kind of ritual magic from the days when human sacrifice was a regular occurrence although this magic, in MY universe, wasn't meant to require that. I mention it in my story, As Pretty Does. Of course I never explain quite how the mechanism works so there you go.

Newton was into alchemy and astrology I do believe in addition to mathematics and, along with Liebniz I think, inventing calculus Of course I could be wrong and I"m too lazy to lift my portable DVD player off my college freshman calc book to check, lol.


annoni_no November 3 2012, 09:39:12 UTC
I'll try and add something intelligent once I'm done cackling my lungs out. XD ( ... )


lynn_waterfall November 3 2012, 15:55:09 UTC
Regarding the crib: remember that it's really the Dumbledore family's house, and the old furniture could easily have been left there. If it was the Dumbledores' crib, that would make it easier for it to be old like that.

Of course, now I'm thinking that Dumbledore might have planned this as a possible last-gasp precaution.


oryx_leucoryx November 3 2012, 16:29:09 UTC
remember that it's really the Dumbledore family's house

Is it? I thought it was the house of the Potter ancestral home, one that was inherited from the Peverells.

I thought the Dumbledores lived next door from Bathilda, and the Potters in another part of the village.


lynn_waterfall November 3 2012, 18:29:06 UTC
...Actually, I don't know. I still haven't gotten around to reading Book 7, because there are more interesting things to read out there, including fanfic. From fanfic that I've read, though, like "The Best Revenge," I understood that it was the Dumbledores'.


duniazade November 3 2012, 13:22:25 UTC
Hahahaaa, wonderful!

Maybe Harry has fallen into a cauldron of Felix Felicis when he was three days old - like Obélix falling into the potion when he was a kid. :)


kahran042 November 3 2012, 14:24:29 UTC
That would explain a lot. :)


madderbrad November 4 2012, 12:50:42 UTC
Brilliant! :-)


oryx_leucoryx November 4 2012, 16:28:51 UTC
He was baptized in Felix Felicis. Nothing less for Harry.


oryx_leucoryx November 3 2012, 17:13:35 UTC
This is so brilliant! Now I'm waiting for Severus of Unlikely Allies to arrive at this realization. Not that I know how much it should matter, except in emphasizing to him how much the Headmaster has been manipulating him all along.

As for the composition of Felix Felicis - can't be too awful if Slughorn brings it to the students' attention. The composition is in the textbook he uses, it isn't some secret formula.


charlottehywd December 2 2012, 04:59:28 UTC
Sorry to come in so late, but it makes me wonder why one can't just brew it up in bulk if there's no reason not to. Shouldn't everyone always be lucky?


jodel_from_aol December 4 2012, 22:38:28 UTC
Well it takes six months to brew it and can be disastrous if you get it wrong. That would tend to put it into the "last resort" category, and the time frame would mean that by the time you think you need it, it's too late to make it.

Something that the competent (like Sluggy) might create on spec for the sake of building up a nest egg.


jodel_from_aol December 4 2012, 23:03:29 UTC
Well it takes six months to brew it and can be disastrous if you get it wrong. That would tend to put it into the "last resort" category, and the time frame would mean that by the time you think you need it, it's too late to make it.

Something that the competent (like Sluggy) might create on spec for the sake of building up a nest egg.


oryx_leucoryx November 3 2012, 17:21:08 UTC
OK, so if I understand you correctly, there was no magical reason for Harry to go to 4PD in the summers, and Dumbles should have realized that by the end of Harry's first year at Hogwarts. But it served Dumbles' plan, to remind him how awful Muggles were, to keep him isolated and ignorant, to limit his social contacts outside of Dumbles' supervision and interference. But it was also a good thing Dumbles got Tom to believe the protection (in GOF Tom is convinced in its existence) - it kept him from sending DEs there until the very last minute.


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