A NEW Rowling review site. Can it be true?

Jun 13, 2012 19:06

Hi, everyone! I hope this doesn't get flagged as spam: the folks at Ferretbrain posted a link to a tumblr called Reviewing Rowling. The reviews are a bit harsh - I truly don't think Rowling's grammar is that bad - but the reviewer talks sense about Harry's lack of normal affect and Petunia and Vernon's very normal and sympathetic desire to protect ( Read more... )

reviews, author: mary_j_59, jk rowling, links

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Comments 14

snapes_witch June 14 2012, 05:38:47 UTC
It's really rather boring . . .


sweettalkeress June 14 2012, 20:21:33 UTC
What makes you say that? I ask because I'm trying to get into doing the same sort of thing myself.


snapes_witch June 14 2012, 20:40:20 UTC
Truth be told I do enjoy Jo-bashing; I just didn't find it nearly as good or deep as what I've read here on deathtocapslocks and didn't bother to read beyond the first two chapters. I'm not too critical of the first book, except for that missing 24 hours; it was her first effort after all and a kid's book besides.


oryx_leucoryx June 15 2012, 01:55:38 UTC
The other big one in PS was Dumbles insisting that Minerva (and others) refer to You-Know-Who by his real name 'Voldemort' when that wasn't his real name. Did Rowling only decide on the Tom Marvolo Riddle name later? Did she not realize the implication for Albus?

And small ones - Neville saying "but the family thought I was all-Muggle for ages." Did Rowling only come up with 'squib' when she wrote COS? The way it was written, some readers took it as an indication that he was a half-blood. Hermione's claim about Hogwarts being 'the best' and how pleased she was to be accepted there - this led many readers to believe there were other, less prestigious magical schools in Britain, and speculate who might go there. Ron not knowing about the Sorting.


(The comment has been removed)

mary_j_59 June 19 2012, 01:45:26 UTC
I'm glad you do. I can see why people don't - see my response above - but I do think the blogger makes a couple of very good points.


sweettalkeress June 14 2012, 20:19:44 UTC
I know who these people are. I actually first stumbled across this blog months ago.


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